July 26, 2024

We are One Energy separated by many outlines!

     All the world is having one energy, and it is built up with only that energy. But this energy is in different forms, shapes and sizes. You are one energy, as myself is also one energy. Many such outlines separate that one ‘Big Energy’ of the world into different forms, shapes, sizes and kinds having in each of them the divided section of it. Only due to these separating outlines – forms, shapes, sizes and kinds that the human and other living things could coexist with cheerfulness. They make interesting expectations in each. Thus the feeling of presence of separated energies in the environment makes in one’s mind a feeling of self-separation from all of those other separated energy forms.

Let us think/imagine: if this outline separation (through one’s birth) between, for example, a couple, is removed, what shall happen? There will be no interest, curiosity or expectation or love within them! But what one thinks shall be immediately felt by the other and vice versa! Then, they become one energy – combined form of two energies! Only an understanding of each other in this situation, as they are one energy form, can make them move in life - as one form of energy!

This wonderful outline separation of the Big Energy only makes each person not understandable to each other, making the entire life a puzzle! Remember that this separation of the Energy applies not only to humans but also to other animals, living things and non-living things too - as non-living things too have in them a stored and separated Energy form in every possible different forms and kinds! 

July 16, 2024

Get good digestion and sleep with unprepared raw foods!

    If a job/work is done, the product of that job doesn’t remain as a product by itself as we see it first. It also carries in it all the thoughts that its producer had imprinted on it while producing it. [An example of it: If a mosquito bites, it carries the sleeping person’s blood with its thought of stealing the blood only. But when the mosquito bites one while he is awake, the mosquito suffers with the (guilty and irritating) thoughts of both of them carried in that blood. (Leave alone the diseases that may be produced after such a bite, whether in the person or in the mosquito)].

Likewise, if a person prepares a food item, it carries with it not only the deliciousness of it, but also the person’s thoughts of that he had while preparing it. If that person is unknown to one, who eats that food item, the food may not influence the eater’s mind much. So, eating at restaurants may not affect digestion and the quality of sleep, whereas, eating the same food prepared at home may produce either easy digestion and good sleep or indigestion and impaired sleep. Unprepared, but easily digestible individual food ingredients shall not influence the eating person in any way. That’s why the fresh uncooked vegetables, fruits and food grains are preferred as the best foods due to this aspect also!