April 26, 2018

Be active yourself to make kids romp!

   Adults should do their activities with their full expression and emotion without suppressing them. Then, on seeing them, the kids shall respond similarly and shall repeat so in their adulthood too. This shall also make a good impression and congenial attitude in the minds of relatives and friends!

April 24, 2018

Using all your senses and experience!

       At young age, using all your senses you get and enjoy things you desire from the environment. Then, as you become aged, with all the experience you have gained in the life so far, you do the activities that interest you and others!

April 2, 2018

To be successful in any endeavour!

    If one can provide time, energy, money and effort to start and do his business/job/education, it will be worth of doing it. But if he also does that with some earlier planning for managing it all throughout it, he can complete and achieve it successfully!