October 15, 2024

Get a Good memory by changing the work!

      If you go on doing daily routine works repeatedly, you shall feel them becoming laborious. And you may also have the tendency to forget the materials, thoughts and even reminders that you have had in your mind just a few hours back! For not having such forgetfulness, do first a new targeted work every day (plan ahead the previous day itself to carry out it). And then, do change the type of works and the order of the works in the daily routine spread over within the working hours. Change also the places of doing such works, if possible. This will make your daily routine works easy and pleasant as active as in your younger years, and shall give you a good memory power, and freshen up your mind at each of your works!

August 14, 2024

Senior citizens - respectable with all gratitude!

 1. Senior citizens have their invaluable experience that they can impart to their younger generation.

2. They merge with the other people of their same age, coming out of the house to express their opinion and also to share their knowledge with people of all ages.

3. They go to the younger people by themselves to talk and share knowledge avoiding the hesitation in it.

4. They do not hesitate to help the younger people to help in their jobs that needs more time and energy to complete.

5. They move out of the house at evenings to meet their friends and relatives to exchange their views and news.

6. They share their knack and skill in their profession with the people of younger generation.

7. They select and do the work that are easier to do within their capacity, and enjoy in doing that work with total involvement and eagerness, and get satisfied after its completion. 

8. Before accepting, they find out whether the work given by their younger generation is within their capacity, easier for them and pleasing for them or not. And they do not hesitate to refuse it also, if it is given under compulsion and is harder to do. 

July 26, 2024

We are One Energy separated by many outlines!

     All the world is having one energy, and it is built up with only that energy. But this energy is in different forms, shapes and sizes. You are one energy, as myself is also one energy. Many such outlines separate that one ‘Big Energy’ of the world into different forms, shapes, sizes and kinds having in each of them the divided section of it. Only due to these separating outlines – forms, shapes, sizes and kinds that the human and other living things could coexist with cheerfulness. They make interesting expectations in each. Thus the feeling of presence of separated energies in the environment makes in one’s mind a feeling of self-separation from all of those other separated energy forms.

Let us think/imagine: if this outline separation (through one’s birth) between, for example, a couple, is removed, what shall happen? There will be no interest, curiosity or expectation or love within them! But what one thinks shall be immediately felt by the other and vice versa! Then, they become one energy – combined form of two energies! Only an understanding of each other in this situation, as they are one energy form, can make them move in life - as one form of energy!

This wonderful outline separation of the Big Energy only makes each person not understandable to each other, making the entire life a puzzle! Remember that this separation of the Energy applies not only to humans but also to other animals, living things and non-living things too - as non-living things too have in them a stored and separated Energy form in every possible different forms and kinds! 

July 16, 2024

Get good digestion and sleep with unprepared raw foods!

    If a job/work is done, the product of that job doesn’t remain as a product by itself as we see it first. It also carries in it all the thoughts that its producer had imprinted on it while producing it. [An example of it: If a mosquito bites, it carries the sleeping person’s blood with its thought of stealing the blood only. But when the mosquito bites one while he is awake, the mosquito suffers with the (guilty and irritating) thoughts of both of them carried in that blood. (Leave alone the diseases that may be produced after such a bite, whether in the person or in the mosquito)].

Likewise, if a person prepares a food item, it carries with it not only the deliciousness of it, but also the person’s thoughts of that he had while preparing it. If that person is unknown to one, who eats that food item, the food may not influence the eater’s mind much. So, eating at restaurants may not affect digestion and the quality of sleep, whereas, eating the same food prepared at home may produce either easy digestion and good sleep or indigestion and impaired sleep. Unprepared, but easily digestible individual food ingredients shall not influence the eating person in any way. That’s why the fresh uncooked vegetables, fruits and food grains are preferred as the best foods due to this aspect also!

June 10, 2024

Limitations may limit by itself!

       If one does not limit and control himself according to his capacity, limitation may come by itself to him to limit in some way or it may incapacitate him doing that activity lifelong. So, be aware of this and don’t cross limits in life.

May 7, 2024

Making anything great!

       If anything is felt not great, to make it great, either think it as great by comparing it with others or make it great yourself with your promotive activities!

May 2, 2024

Don’t refuse to yourself; but request or retain!

 Living without satisfying one’s self is like living for other’s wishes, as if he is a robot/zombie/slave.

One must be bold to request others' things that they like to get. He should not refuse them to himself and control himself not to request. Even if those things are refused by those others after his request, he can still get similar things from yet some other people by requesting them.

Likewise, one should not give away what he wants to retain with himself. If that thing is in excess amount, part of it can be shared with affection, love and care towards the receiving person.

April 15, 2024

Tips to live with self/soul!

     Self-sacrificing is equal to committing suicide. If one likes and wants a thing, he gets it for himself and retains it with himself. If he gives it to someone else, it means that he pulls away the thing from himself with his soul in it. Sensing, desiring, thinking about, asking, getting and adding it to himself are all lost! So, be with your self/soul without self-sacrificing.

April 8, 2024

Building to serve, or seize food?

         People cannot eat the concrete buildings that were built up on cultivable lands. Building them is not a service either to the people or the nation. It is like seizing the people’s food, before they become aware of it - before they become hungry and demand it. Misuse of cultivable lands and the allied agricultural sources like water should be banned by enacting suitable laws.

March 10, 2024

Think; but, don’t continue it to tiresome level

       Thoughts won’t produce any self-damage. They promote only our wellbeing. Thoughts, next lead one to take to activities to get benefits out of them. At the same time, find it also that thinking and rethinking about the same matter will do nothing beneficial; if it is done so, it shall make the mind tired and drained only. So, do think; but do not go on and on thinking about the same matter without arriving at a solution.

September 9, 2023

First, let kids to play!

      Children are interested more in activities of learning and enjoying than in eating food items. That is why they give their first preference to activities. Then, they turn to the food items next, as they now feel the hunger. So, don’t force them to eat first; they themselves shall come towards you soon, demanding food!

August 19, 2023

Think over again to remember it!

       Think over, and think over again to remember now what you have thought about, and also think over, and think over again to retain and remember at a later time, to express/repeat/record it either by your speech or written words!

July 14, 2023

The trend forever!

 ‘Distracted from the old and attracted towards the newer, attentive and interesting things’ – it has been the trend always, whether it is in the past, now, later or ever!

July 7, 2023

Living experience!

     Living in this world is to feel and experience through all the senses and activities, which are done within the social and family-accepted limitations, in each age or stage of life.

June 30, 2023

Be clean to be pleasant!

   Gentlemen and ladies must have their mind and body clean and fresh to make the situation/environment pleasant for their family members and the guests they receive.