July 15, 2018

Speeding vehicle and the body's emergency reaction!

        Wherever there is speed, there will be a resultant body alertness to meet out any emergency, both inside and outside the body. Initially our body shall remain calm during the travel. But later when we speed up our vehicle, our body shall feel as if we are going (like walking or running) fast. It shall keep itself ready and be in tension to meet any emergency. This reaction happens even when one remains in a vehicle as a passenger. It is needless to say how the body of the person driving the vehicle fast will react for this! Whenever the body finds itself  to be unstable,  unlike that in the calm sitting posture, it triggers in itself  the preparedness to meet any emergency. So, it is better to avoid travelling fast frequently, even as a passenger. One has to allow periods of resting and calming down to the body either after such travel or in the intervening period of successive fast travels. Then one can be sure that he/she can avoid diseases arising out of such speeding!