July 31, 2019

Requirements that make you healthy ever!

       Five requirements for anybody shall make him/ her healthy by preventing diseases. They are proper diet, proper activity, clean environment, a clean body and a clear mind!

July 28, 2019

Retain your personality - by making your own decision!

       All of us, human beings - and even some other animals, have the same sense organs and perceive the same images, sounds or feelings from the same scenario of the same environment. Only, the impact of them on our mind and the thoughts emerging out of it make our responding activities different from each other (or each animal). Previous knowledge, involvement, importance and the desire to explore/get only influence these activities. So, whenever food or gifts or any material or service is offered, use your senses and decide whether to accept it or not. You can then say an yes or no to it by this instant decision that boosts your welfare :). That's your personality - uninfluenced by the personality of anybody else!