December 31, 2020

Compulsion too causes diseases!

      If one finds discomfort in mind or body when an activity is compelled and forced to be done, there will be a resistance built up either in the body or in the mind. This resistance will affect the person's mind. The mind will express the resistance as pain in the body. This pain will clear off once the person is freed from the compulsion and begins to do his/her own desired activities. But the person, who had compelled to do, shall have invisible resistance in his/her mind. If this person goes on compelling others repeatedly like this, a hidden tension or pressure shall be formed in the person's mind that may lead to express itself as bodily diseases!

December 29, 2020

How are activities initiated and done?

    Intentions are born in the mind out of memories and senses. Then they are rolled out into the body to do the intended activities - with the controlled usage of energy formed within the body!

November 30, 2020

Children's response towards objects or activities!

        For any object found or any activity done in the environment, children observe first, respond then to get sensual pleasure; next, inferring that their response gives them pleasure, they repeat the same response again and again, till they become skilled in that response!

October 14, 2020

Knowledge is the tool to proceed with clarity!

        Assessing probability and guessing works make one only to have uncertain, hesitating or confused state of mind; here, there is delay in doing all activities, with not knowing what to do or what not to do. Knowledge can bring in one, the idea or opinion that is accepted and advised as truth by most people/government at that time; it can dispel the uncertainty prevailing and give a clarity in mind to make a firm decision, and proceed to do the chosen activity boldly. Because, doing at least something proper is better than remaining without doing anything at the crucial time. So, first one must have the knowledge on the disturbing situation, for example, such as in this Corona Virus infection 2019, and then that on the ways to deal with it; then he can get all the doubts in it cleared, make a decision, do whatever needed and get relief in the situation, peace and satisfaction in the mind.

October 2, 2020

Limit and repeat to get a life of good quality!

       Limiting saves energy, time, and also prevents diseases (such as Corona virus infection). So, do not travel too much by distance; limit yourselves within your boundaries, whether it is your home, place, state or country. Limiting makes you to take rest and also builds immunity against diseases in you. Repeat what you find to give you entertainment, that you enjoy and that gives you satisfaction through your good activities.

September 28, 2020

Explaining visionary capabilities of certain people!

       We see images of relatives on computer/phone screens though they are not in front of us, to see them directly with our own eyes. But we can also see them in our mind's eye, though they are not in front of us, when we imagine out of our past seeing them in front (out of our memory about them already present in us). Thus we see them internally. Then what about seeing/feeling them present in front of us externally, though they are not in front of us actually (without using computer)?!

       One possibility for explaining this is that our mind feels the images without it's knowledge by mere separated and independent past memory that passes down to the sensory nerves bypassing mind's activity/awareness. Another possibility is that there is an external unknown force that has the power of projecting the images of persons who are living (Siddhars) or even dead persons (? their Souls). 

       This is possible nowadays, as there are devices now, that we ourselves have created such as camera (similar to our eye) to project images on to the computer screens in front of us - to receive them and show to our own eyes! Doesn't it look similar to the work done by the external unknown force?! If we could do like this ourselves, why any natural source of force cannot do that by projecting images, using their devices through their media? To get their projected images, one must have also those compatible senses and abilities to feel those media that may be like that of ours - Social media in Internet! Shall we become visionary people by learning to perceive those projections/visions by the Supernatural forces?

September 17, 2020

Enjoy and share, to be liked by all!

      A person shall be congenial to all and be liked by many, when he/she enjoys life and shares enjoyment with others or makes others enjoy or be happy too!

September 12, 2020

Are you going to die soon? If, no, then read on!

     If you do an activity with craze and enjoy it beyond it's limit, it is of no use either to your body or the mind; it may harm your body and mind. Convert this craziness into desire or wish, and postpone the activity to a later time, as you have enough time in your life - tomorrow, next week, next month or next year! You can do it later with better consciousness and conditions of mind and body, as you can have control, and continue to do it within the limit! Similarly, do not indulge too much in television or social media that are not felt through your own activities, but through the senses with imagination only.

August 14, 2020

Expect disaster if the limit is crossed!

       For anything, either an activity/movement or thinking/desiring done, there should be a limit. And that activity or thinking should be repeated within that limit. Then, the life will be peaceful and enjoyable. Whenever the limit is crossed, there will be disaster either in the body or in the mind that carry out it or in both of them.

August 5, 2020

Instant benefits with doing and giving!

       You do something (work) at your will individually, to get something (money) from others. And then, you give something (money) to others at your will individually, to get something (materials). So, by both these your 'doing and giving', you get some benefits. Then, why is it not better 'to do' and 'to give' both equally without overdoing or getting too much, and thus, both in equal balance - to get those same twin benefits equally?! More than that is here: when you all by yourself  do, and get the materials, and give others the surplus materials, (without getting anything by you here), you may get those twin benefits of both job satisfaction and donating satisfaction instantly, is it not? Which is better and the best? Find it yourself to adopt with, and follow!

July 25, 2020

Move, see, hear and speak!

      Our senses won't last longer as we had them in our infancy. The eye sight and hearing capacity may become impaired. Our talking abilities may also be compromised due to damage to our teeth. Our movements may become feeble due to pain or changes in the legs and hands. So, mingle with the environment - man, woman, children, animals, plants, hills or stones that are present in it. Move to them; see them; hear the sounds made by them, if any, and raise your voice or speak into the environment - now itself. Do not lament later when you become incapacitated to do them.

July 19, 2020

Diet, Enjoy, Entertain, Relax - DEER !

Diet is needed to enjoy and entertain yourself in activities and to relax yourself peacefully into sleep.

Enjoy in taking diet and in doing activities to entertain others and yourself and relax at night with contented mind.

Entertain yourself and others in taking and giving diet, and doing pleasing activities and get sound relaxation of sleeping at night.

Relax tonight, to take the diet, entertain and enjoy in the activities of you and others, the next day.

So, all these (D.E.E.R.) are dependent on each and all others! Don't miss all of them in a day, and make each day a wonderful day for you. So, make today as a D-day to start for that!

July 16, 2020

Be 'present' today!

   If one is going on and on thinking about the future activities with expectations, he may lose the present day activities and enjoyments. So, it is better to be 'present' today at your own place of living where you exist now, without imagining the future activities that are non-existent at this present moment.

July 14, 2020

Avoid getting injured or insulted!

      Yoga can only prepare persons to perform their body and mind work in an orderly manner. If you get injuries or insults to your body or mind by your own activities or by other persons or the environment, then doing yoga cannot do anything; it cannot prevent them. So, even if you do yoga, control your mind and body carefully, and also control the environment around you, or control others' body and mind, if possible, to avoid yourself from getting injured or insulted.

July 8, 2020

Three requirements to lead an easy life!

      On maturity, three requirements for a person, who is living an adult life, are essential to get an easy life that goes on without any hardship. They are health, physical activities and spiritualism!

July 2, 2020

Make awareness, to alert and deal in the situation!

     An awareness is created. Later when one finds a situation to occur, he suddenly feels and understands the purpose for which that awareness was created then in him, by remembering that awareness now. And thus he gets alerted from it, expects something to happen and prepares himself to meet and deal with it. So, make awareness in near and dear, relatives and friends.

June 30, 2020

Kids llike to repeat what we find to be bore!

    Children want to get fun activities repeated, as they have no boredom in such activities. So, don't ask them whether they are 'bored' in it. They may get wrong impression out of it and may begin to stop that fun activity all together - a man made repulsion against this normal nature of children.

June 25, 2020

Train kids to handle themselves in the Nature!

     Children must get the training of their muscles by handling natural objects present in the environment. Do not make them entirely dependent on the objects provided at the school. Give the kids those objects present in the Nature (or at least, point to them) even if the man-made similar objects are provided at school. This will prepare them to be aware of the realities of the environment existing and waiting for their exploration - leaving behind the present day virtual world being created by the ignorant humans.

June 15, 2020

Be in bliss than being in happiness!

   Happiness is a temporary state of mind; it shall subside down later. But being in bliss means that the whole body, mind and soul are in a joyful state that persists permanently on the background though it is varying in its intensity at times!

June 10, 2020

Limit facilities to make kids learn easily!

       Provision of more competitive facilities, speed and easiness are the motive of all the kids products' sales promotions. But these make parents lazier in training their kids, and slackens the speed of body and mind training of kids also. So, parents must limit providing such instruments of playing and learning facilities and allow their children to learn by themselves with what they have as playing and learning tools. Then they shall have enthusiasm to learn more and shall begin to explore and learn easily in their education. Hence, they shall become active in all aspects in their future.

June 8, 2020

Avoid temptation, to become content!

      When your parent or friend asks you, 'Do you want to taste this?' or 'Taste it,' by giving it to you, what do you get? A temptation to experience it yourself rises in you. Whatever you desire, it makes an expectation in you to get it and experience. If you get, it gives you some satisfaction. Later, when you begin to get happiness out of it by using it again, you have now started your other fresh attempts to get a full satisfaction out of it (but when you don't get it, it produces frustration in it and then worrying about it). Important thing here is that you must become fully content with having once the full happiness and satisfaction out of it. On the other hand, in case if you don't become content with it, in spite of having got full happiness, drop it and desire for more of that similar happiness in another similar thing, then you have started to become addicted to more and more expectations. So, train yourself to decide and say a firm 'no' to offers made by others to taste or to do and/or experience. Then this firmness of you will limit your desires, lessen expectations, protect you from frustrations and make you happy and be content with what you have got now as new.

June 5, 2020

Stop and obey the signals of warning!

     Two of our reactions can save ourselves from both disappointment and diseases and make us happy and healthy. The first one is that we must discontinue doing what gives us discomfort. The second one is our obeying to our body signals to stop the act, to take rest or to go to sleep. Body's signals may be in the form of pain, restriction of movement, headache, yawning or nodding! Be aware of this.

June 2, 2020

Benefits from fasting!

   A transient rest to the body systems is the expected benefit out of fasting. Even if it is repeated, this benefit will have only a transient impact on the body systems. Suppose, we recognize and learn that there are more benefits out of fasting such as being or feeling well etc., after finishing it. Then, this learning itself is also the best benefit we get out of the fasting! With it, then we should restrict our intake of food items in too much numbers or quantities on other regular days too.Then this will have a great impact on our body systems, that will prevent their deterioration in their functioning due to such excessive loading.

May 31, 2020

Excessiveness leads to death or disease

     When any of the human body systems loses it's efficiency, all the functions of the rest of the systems become impaired; this results in the deficient nutrition and oxygen supplies to the vital organs, and hence leads to the death of the person. But the mild, slow and constant impairment of a body system will produce a Chronic disease that will persist throughout the lifetime. So, if we happen to use our body systems excessively, we must either stop it and take rest forthwith or should not do it repeatedly. Then, this will safeguard us either from sudden death or the Chronic diseases.

May 28, 2020

Imbalance in enjoyment is linked to comparison!

Causes of having imbalance in enjoyment and satisfaction, as perceived by people when they compare with others:
1. Greediness can be one of the causes of violent men.
2. Being inadequate with basic needs.
3. Inad'equate' with, others' facilities and conveniences seen and compared with, though basically met with needs.
4. Having temperament to torture others, as one was dissatisfied with another one aspect of life.
5. Losing what one had as comforts and conveniences earlier, that provokes to extort things from others.
6. Accumulating wealth than required for sustenance, attracts others to extort from him.
7. The flamboyant and explicitly exhibiting nature of having many thlngs in life as possessions, comparing to others.
8. Giving much to others, indicating to others as having many, attracts plunderers.
9. Not helping others when asked for help.
10. Mentally distorted people who have no judgement on life.

May 26, 2020

Keeping body and mind fit in older age!

      Content training of body and mind is required all through one's old age. Training of body may be like that of doing exercises, yoga, playing, and keeping it fit with suitable and essential nutrition. On the other hand, mind training may be like that of recalling incidents from memory, reinforcing memory, playing memory games, continuing and doing all the past works out of intellect and skills. Added to this is having enough nutrition that makes the brain active and functioning in all its calibre, By making the body and mind to be fit in such ways, the energy required for their maintenance may be harnessed easily, and the people can be then active all through their old age.

May 20, 2020

Forgetting out the environment!

          If one does a work with concentration and much focusing, he/she is separated from the environment, not having any sensory feeling from the environment (forgetting the environment), and not having the desires that rose out of it earlier or those which are ought to rise out of it!

May 18, 2020

Children extend their love towards all!

        Children do not find and choose religion or caste within themselves in making friendship. They do not discriminate between themselves. And they see in them only one human kind having only humans, and not many separate kinds within it!

May 16, 2020

Make kids enjoy their lives!

   Let or make the children desire, seek, be absorbed, concentrated and involved in educational and playing activities to forget about the routinized (adult) life, that we live, and enjoy their own childhood life!

May 13, 2020

Life is more than having more time to spend!

     Your 'presence in this time' now and full awareness of this 'time' are actually what make your life your own one. And mere having time is not your life; Thus, it is not as the younger people think that they have more time!

May 11, 2020

Routines are erased by new ones!

        The memory of routine and regularly done procedures may be overwritten with the new procedures done! But the old routine procedures may be retrieved by trying to remember it, and then doing a matter related to that routine procedure and visiting also the places where those procedures are done! 

May 9, 2020

Advise, remind and repeat to get response!

      Advise, remind and repeat - these are the three words that the ageing parents have to keep in mind and use for helping their children, who don't respond to their advice at present. Even though their children do not respond now, they may get an idea from this advising to respond at times of emergency situation in future.

May 7, 2020

Mind trained but not the body!

     We have been trained much to do only the mind exercises through text books, at schools. And our body is not trained to learn and to do what we are told or what we see in person. So, our body is kept dormant, not exercised and idle, inviting all the bodily diseases - as it gets it's nutrition from the body storage, that too has remained underutilized and idle for a long time. The education system must be changed to save our posterity, training both their body and mind.

May 5, 2020

Memories are channeled at different times!

        Fresh memories are set up in separate time channels. The contents stored in the early morning time memory channel cannot be retrieved back at late morning, in the late morning memory channel. To retrieve it, one has to do activities related to that matter or get external stimuli related to that matter! Here that matter comes into the mind's present time memory channel by itself from the previous time channel as he has at least 'tried' to retrieve that matter!

February 27, 2020

Yoga and excellence in activities!

     A person may excel in his activities and deeds. But as he ages on, this excellence in them may decline. Practising and doing yoga can extend his abilities and make him excel in his activities and deeds, as before, even in his old age!

February 23, 2020

Happiness-extension to the greatest possibility!

        In the life of a person, the happiness shall be a limited one, as some sadness may creep in, to break it. Though making the happiness a continuous and forever, is not in our hands, we can at least control and make it to be near us! Yes, if we have many but short-spanned happinesses, we can make their spans a little wider under our control. So, now itself try to make 'happinessses' instead of expecting a single happiness of a longer duration and make their shortness broader a little, at your will; you can then soon achieve the greatest possible extension of happinesses without any limitedness in your life! 

February 21, 2020

The way to mutual and equal enjoyment!

     One says that he/she enjoyed to his/her heart's content. But they don't say always that 'we' enjoyed to the heart's contents. Because, each one is different from the other. One can feel and enjoy only with in his place, at the mind or the body. Then what makes them all enjoy, and say that 'we' enjoyed with the company and presence of each other? It is only the mutual and effective communication between them. It is the complete expression from the heart that makes them enjoy - though they are separated bodily from each other! So, communicate with the persons present in front of you with total interest and involvement, expressing that too with all the possible gesture and body languages - to enjoy the situation mutually and equally!

February 18, 2020

Stop thoughts and clear doubts!

     One should put a full stop earlier to either a train of thought or a doubting situation. Because, these two will occupy whole of your mind, and consume all your mind energy and your valuable time. So, find out a good and final resoluton with a good decision-making effort. And clear your doubts completly by discussing and understanding the present reality. These are important to continue your nomal, routine and regular life as before.

January 27, 2020

Finding out methods to follow!

      For learning, and for doing activities, three methods are there. The first one of them is to accept the experience of others to be good, easy and useful, and follow them. The second one is the observation of others doing them, forming his own opinion about it, as positive or negative, and following only the positive one; here, the negative one is rejected blindly and totally, forever, without any second thought. The third method is - testing personally the activity by himself or herself, deriving the result out of it, either to adopt the best one that suits him/her, or to reject the bad one. Find out yourself which one of these three methods you follow now, and decide whether to change it to the other one or not!

January 18, 2020

Wishing your activity enthral the world!

      In any proposed major and good establishing activity, a person should do a prior full-fledged ground work, a complete planning, and should also increase his/her skills and capabilities. Then, he must hope his best for its success by praying to the God, or by having great courage to carry out his desired activity. And then, he must also request earnestly and pray with faith to the environment, and the forces and the people involved and benefited in that activity to make it a success. And he should assure and promise them the best development, improvement and happiness to be offered to the society and the world by that activity. Then, he/she could enthral the whole world with wonders arising out of such an activity!

January 1, 2020

Conditioned kids follow approved routine of life!

          Children are born with all the capabilities of doing all the activities. But they are first taught what to do and what not to do in this world. They are set to do activities liberally - but with certain conditions. These conditions and some other instructions must be informed or communicated to them clearly, so that they understand them fully before doing any of the activities. If they are not conditioned like this, they may take liberty at their hands, go astray and cross the limits - taking routes to a rude state that the society shuns and forbids.