December 26, 2009

The ultimate goal of human work!

The ultimate goal of any Human work will be any one of the following or any one of their combination:

(1) Service

(2) Duty

(3) Money

(4) Recreation

(5) Rehabilitation

December 19, 2009

Allot time to finish in time!

Allot enough period of time for the works to be carried out. Allow also a reasonable time for the important and urgent works that may arise unexpectedly. Then proceed to do the works with free mind and without any tension. Then you will finish all those works satisfactorily without any fatigue at all! But do not look at the watch or the clock at that period, and do not think about the end time limit for that period - forget about it by concentrating your attention on the works. And do not let any other unimportant work other than those allotted time enter into that period of time.

December 15, 2009

Check impulsive desires!

Do not desire to get things at the same time and at the same spot. These impulsive desires are accompanied with instant distresses also. So, aim for getting a thing, and strive for getting it in the proper way and at the proper time - to get the whole benefit out of it without any hassles.

December 3, 2009

Strain in stress leads to distress!

Straining yourself while you are at stress affects both your body and mind, opening the gateway to all infections and illnesses. Natural response to a stressing stimulus is to get away from it. If you continue to strain within a stress it is not natural either to your body or mind. So, avoid distress by giving up straining and moving away from the stress.

November 26, 2009

Make today and tomorrow pleasant!

Unpleasant memories of the unpleasant happenings in the past (yesterday) make today an excited and agitated one, as both good and bad are expected, making the present good happenings to be enjoyed only half- heartily! But if the present day happenings are again unpleasant, they get added up to the unpleasant memories of the past making the present day useless and tomorrow an unwanted one. To make today and tomorrow pleasant, forget the past and follow a new path to get a different but new pleasure out of it - if possible in another place that is different from the present one.

November 16, 2009

Choosing the best work!

While doing any work first one should find out whether it is advantageous, pleasanter or easier, and then do it. Otherwise the work is worthless on the part of him/her.

November 7, 2009

Sort out work and time!

If you have to do many works at busy morning hours you will be in a fix to do which of them. First sort out the targeted important work among the others, then those already planned works and then the less important ones. First do that single targeted work. Next limit the planned works to s minimum to fit in the time available; or even cancel them with the less important works also. Allow enough time also for daily chores such as brushing teeth, taking bath etc. - and also to any important work that may arise then. Never add any new work in your list, that may be done later in your leisure time. If you bring this sorting and adapting to it as a daily routine you will see and feel all the works easier to do without any tension at all.

October 31, 2009

Be informed and prevent mind damage!

Expected or unexpected unpleasant events may damage mind of a person, if they repeat again and again. To control the damage to the mind, the person has to be informed about and 'be prepared' for any such events in life, and he/she must have also a philosophical attitude towards them, if they happen.

October 24, 2009

Do your duty and avoid inaction!

A quotation from Bhagavad Gita:
"Perform the prescribed duty; because, action is superior to inaction. Even maintenance of the body would become impossible for you by avoiding action."

October 15, 2009

For a Peaceful Mind, once again ...!

Avoid tension by these:
1) Don't suppress emotions when they are coming up: either weep it off or laugh it off - to get a relief in mind.

2) Don't subject yourself to stressful situations or environments, frequently: avoid these or divert yourself to something else.

3) Don't go on hesitating at your workplace: plan your work beforehand and be relaxed while starting the work and enjoy doing the work without any tension.

4) Don't get irritated when you fail to achieve as planned: think about the other successful achievements you have gained earlier and try again with elder wo
rkers' advices, better planning and good hope.

October 11, 2009

For a Peaceful Mind, again ...!

Avoid tension by these:
1) Don't compel
yourself to do the works that you don't like or to do more than that you wish: do those works that are pleasing, and the rest to a bearable limit.

2) Don't place a check to your basic inner mind desires: relax rules to enjoy!

3) Don't do any work at home or office as a routine always: alter and have a change in work now and then.

4) Don't strain yourself to exhaustion: take rest always intermittently, to get a fresh mind and an energized body.

October 3, 2009

For a Peaceful Mind ...!

Avoid tension by these:
1) Don't undertake others' work and do it yourself: do your own work only.

2) Don't go and search for information about all things: go for only the required information.

3) Don't exert yourself to do all the works you come across: limit them.

4) Don't go on thinking one after the other while you are relaxing: be calm while you relax.

September 27, 2009

Learning as a chick does!

To learn something easily without any confusion one has to follow a 'Guru' with his guidance, like a chick follows its mother hen for guidance in pecking at food. Think about the condition of a chick without its mother hen. So, if you come across persons seeking guidance you can give them advice, guidance and help, and you need not hesitate in it.

September 18, 2009

Responding to a criticism

Respond to the real and sound criticism only, and not to that imagined, invented or supposed by you to have been spoken of, or to that imagined or invented by the critic himself!

September 11, 2009

Reward from an ideal goal!

Nobody can achieve the ideal goal. But however there must be an ideal goal in life centered towards our benefits. Everyone of us must strive to achieve the ideal goal even though we have little money and shorter span of time for that. Later on this will surely reward us as we proceed on in our way of life time - and also our descendants!

September 4, 2009

Choosing between Argument and Discussion

Argument on a matter gives only uncertainties at the end. A solution will not be arrived at easily. An argument often ends with emotional upheaval, and quarrel between the parties involved. But a discussion on the matter exposes the ignorance present in both sides of the parties. It makes them easily accept their ignorance and lets them learn calmly the facts and the realities by themselves, and to arrive at a solution easily and quickly - in a friendly manner.

August 29, 2009

Aim and reach target with this http!

Health, time, trust and priority (http) must be considered in doing any work! Health should not be affected; trust should not be lost and the time should not be wasted. And unimportant work should not be undertaken. We work with the aim of selecting and enjoying pleasures in our lifetime with good health and faith. This ultimate target of doing any work should not be forgotten.

August 20, 2009

Time passing and Time wasting devices!

Such as Computer, Television, Telephone and Electronic games are noted as time-wasting devices. But these same devices become time-passing devices at the hands of idle persons apart from being as time-wasting (consuming) devices actually!

August 13, 2009

Save time by 'giving it up'!

You might have been perplexed many times after attempting to complete a work and finding it still incomplete, and done not satisfactorily. In addition you might have also felt that you have wasted a lot of your valuable time on it. To avoid this the mantra here is simply 'give up' and do not continue the work or even do not think about it then! There are also definitely time wasting devices such as Computer, Television, Telephone and Electronic games. You can also see the best example for the time wasting nature of these devices from the words of Bill Gates, the Chairman of Microsoft:

"In spite the many benefits of the digital revolution, some technology could waste people's time if they weren't careful"

He too 'gave it up' the work of using the social networking Facebook for himself as, 'way too much trouble'!

So, select carefully a suitable work, do it carefully to complete it, but give it up if it is time wasting without giving you any proportionate benefits out of it.

August 7, 2009

Shine bright by asking questions!

You can achieve to your most , and shine in limelight - if you ask (think) yourself about these :

1) 'What is there that gives me pleasure?'

2) 'What is there that relieves my trouble?'

3) 'What are my own needs there?'

[You can raise these questions at a given time, at a given place or at a given situation. You can raise them not only for you yourself, but also for your relative or friend, or for your group of persons].

And if you find out best answer for each of these, and act accordingly to your most, you will get the limitless benefits and/or credits out of it!

July 31, 2009

Do all, not a few at all times!

If you indulge in a work too much, at the end you may get the appreciation on your achievement - by some of the people. But you may not appear normal to others living near you. You can instead do all - both the duty bound and the interesting works so that many people can appreciate you from the start of the work itself. The best example for this is studying for the examinations: if you read all the subjects of the course equivocally and appear for the exams, you pass out with flying colors)! All will appreciate you now, is it not? (Reading only a few subjects for a long time overlooking all the rest and failing in other exams - and hence not promoted to the higher class is disgusting). Likewise, apply this to your works and see the honor and appreciation you receive!

July 24, 2009

Doing wonders in life!

When a man/woman sees excellence in everything with faith, and follows it with well directed mind, he/she gets and does everything wonderful in his/her life!

July 17, 2009

Basis of Society - Mutual benefits!

The basis of human society is mutual benefits that each of its members get by association with each other. If there is no mutual benefit at all there would have been no social sense, and man would have lived by himself lonely, and there would have been no spoken language that has been developed for the social use! In ancient times when a man was corrected by another man indicating his mistakes, they both understood the benefits of association with others, and then wanted to be social always ( - and thus the language was also developed!).

July 10, 2009

Stop yourself after questioning these yourself!

Ask yourself:
1) Is it needed? (- if it is not needed, do not continue; stop doing it!)
2) Is it unknown? (- if unknown, do not explore, stop and avoid wasting time in it!)
3) Is it there any limit? (- if there is limit, and crossing this limit, stop it!)
4) Is it on proper time? (- if it is on improper time for doing, stop doing it!)
5) Is it a pleasing way of doing? (- if it is not pleasing, stop it!)
6) Is it a planned one? (- if yes, and you are out of the plan, stop it!)
7) Is it on an agreement? (- if yes, and it is against the agreement, stop doing it!)

Ask yourself these all seven questions each time you detract and act as shown within the brackets above to make yourself congenial to you yourself, and to the relatives, neighbors, friends and others - and to prevent any loss coming out of the work!

July 3, 2009

Choose the best and the right!

Choose the right and the best for you, yourself. Do not let others choose one for you; it may be advantageous for them in someway. If you are inexperienced, you can yourself seek the help and advices of others; but choose the right and the best one among them for you, yourself, here too!

June 26, 2009

Forethought in starting a project!

Before staring any new project, one should assess probability of its completion, possibility of its execution and presence of adequate resources. Then the concerned people who are to be inducted into the project must be called in for discussion about it. Without all these it will be hard to start the project itself, and there will be a much more probability of incurring loss in the project. So, one should have forethought in starting a project.

June 19, 2009

Motivation factors for pleasures!

Children see others doing some work and getting pleasures out of it. And they also note the delight and the satisfaction on their face appearing after that. By these the children are kindled to do those works by themselves and get pleasures that are hitherto unknown to them. Once they do and find out the pleasures themselves they go on to do the work repeatedly. They also express their happiness, delight and satisfaction on their face, and in words spoken. Other children watching these activities are also kindled; they too start to do by themselves. These are the basics of motivation for/and having pleasures from our environment!

June 12, 2009

Listen, identify by similarity or difference!

We, the earth living creatures, basically, listen to our environment, then after sometime identify the objects seen earlier in the environment - by similarity, and then in close-up identify any change - by difference, in the same object seen earlier. These processes of listening, identifying and finding differences go on repeatedly in all of our activities – since our birth! These processes are the necessities – to live on in this earth!

June 5, 2009

Verify hearsay before passing!

Only after you know a matter by yourself beyond any doubt, you should tell or teach about that to other persons. These persons in turn shall verify that matter themselves and pass it on to others. If a person doesn’t verify that, but believes in your words, it means that he has (blind) faith in you thinking that you have genuine experience about that matter! But it is always better for one and all to verify the matter they hear from others before believing it and/or passing it to others.

May 28, 2009

Comparing in Progressing!

Don’t compare your achievement level with those of others, when you are progressing up n life with your best efforts. There should be no looking back or on the sides. But you can compare with the people who are in the highest level ahead of you to get to their level – as you too have the same capacity, mind and body as they have. So it is the perseverance and the endurance in the efforts that matters in achieving progress.

May 20, 2009

Having all! Act now!

You have your ‘own time’ that a dying man doesn’t have; you have facilities and money that a poor man doesn’t have; you have your chance that the other unlucky persons don’t have; you have the willingness that others don’t have. Above all these you have the good intention that nobody else other than you has: then why not to do the intended work now itself? Rise to the occasion! Act now!
You can also be safe then from the despising words of the unlucky ones – who shall then envy you!

May 11, 2009

Possibilities of Removal of Guiltiness

Guiltiness is the sense of having a depressed feeling about an act committed, and that is not permitted in the society or the family. One must ascertain first clearly whether the act is permitted or not. If he/she doesn’t know this, he/she shall waste mind’s energy unnecessarily. In a well established guiltiness, one should not seek shelter in persons having already similar guiltiness. Instead, it is better to surrender to the law, if it is a serious offense, or to do in others good acts like helping others, and praying the Gods to absolve. These will lift out the person from the depression - to get a refreshed mind and body. Secret self punishment will not remove the guiltiness; but it will only overload it!

April 29, 2009

The ways for Hunger relief

The purpose of producing hunger in a person is for doing the intended works with the body. Then why the government cannot give its hungry people food first, and get back any work later that is offered in gratitude – till they are able to fend for themselves?

Other philanthropic countries could help these economically ailing countries by giving aids in the form of food materials, money, the know-how about agricultural production etc., to relieve this people’s suffering – the Hunger.

Continue to read about the nature of this hunger here: Click On!

April 22, 2009

Act today itself with experience!

Yesterday is in your memory only! Today is in your hands only! Tomorrow will be at your hands for action, only if you act today itself with the memory that contains the experiences of yesterday!

April 12, 2009

Use of Body, Mind and Money

Our body like machineries become worn out with use, or rusts (show changes) if not used at all. It also needs maintenance. But our mind does not become worn out; it can be kept busy always and does not require any special maintenance! Yet there is also another material or instrument that does not rust with time or become worn out with our (- person saving it) use or needs no maintenance at all: it is the money that we have with us!

April 1, 2009

Assessing for Good work!

In all the phases of one’s lifetime, especially, if he/she is in middle age, the person must assess his capability and possibility before taking up any desired project.

March 22, 2009

Loving for having good heart!

If all people love each other, their friendship strengthens more; the broken hearts of them unite to get the fresh energy and desires to live a full human life. But hatred towards each other weakens further the existing friendship; breaks the already broken hearts into pieces (depresses mind). So, let us all love each other!

March 11, 2009

MUSKET in selecting Employee!

To employ a person in an institution he/she must be assessed for his/her,





Energy (build),

Time (age)!

March 4, 2009

Getting back life in you!

Stress and strain with added sleeplessness makes one almost like the corpse of a dead person. So, avoid (or reduce or get rid of) at least one of them to regain your enjoyable life!

February 26, 2009

Kindling for the best Tomorrows!

When yesterday’s hardship continues today also the man goes on thinking about the good time he spent in the earlier days losing his hope to find a better tomorrow. He must be kindled to have fresh hopes and to try other means to get better tomorrows after giving up going on thinking about the past. Then better and the best tomorrows will follow surely for him!

February 18, 2009

Renouncing for the sake of..!

A man who is dejected in life should either renounce this world and become a ‘Sanyasi’ – escaping (mostly) selfishly for his own sake, or renounce himself (self-sacrificing) for the sake of the world!

February 12, 2009

Man or Machine!

Only interest, love, respect and faith make a man behave like a man. Without them a man becomes a machine only!

February 5, 2009

Accepting advices!

One must analyze, infer and choose from advices spoken to him/her, or referred by him/her in books or writings – and verify its credibility before acting on it.

January 31, 2009

Appreciating a Work!

If a man has enough knowledge about his work and the intention to do the work with interest, and carries out it to his satisfaction also, then his employer could reward him with appreciation and pay hike considering him as fit person to the work!

January 23, 2009

Delaying is Missing the chance!

Delaying your action gives chance for others to act for themselves and get every benefit out of it. So, act now itself taking the chance to yourself. Don't postpone it!

January 18, 2009

Pleasing Mind with Minor Work!

Generally, demand makes one choose a work/job though it could be not pleasing to the mind. In this situation he/she must also choose to do other minor works/hobbies that are pleasing and interesting to the mind, besides that main work till this later one is substituted with a pleasing one, or till it is made pleasanter!

January 9, 2009

Hardship is a Lighter one!

Why should we lament that we have to work hard daily? Hard work remains as hard only in our thoughts – till we enter into that ‘hard’ work. Once we are into the work, the hardship disappears. This indicates that we cope with that work easily. Moreover only this hard working maintains our body health giving a good night’s sleep, whereas the lazily working gives us only troubles with its all ill effects.

January 3, 2009

Decision to grab the Chance!

You are confronted with two important matters to be decided on, and to choose one among them:
1) One is an important and routine work pending before you as a duty to be done.
2) The other one is a personal work that you desire most and is waiting for you to be done now; if you miss this chance you won't get it later.
What will you choose out of these two? - and postpone the other one now?
Both are important to you - one for your enjoyment and satisfaction, and the other for your livelihood. But this later one is important to other persons also. So, weigh and analyze yourselves whether it is a chance waiting for you in reality. If you find the result as 'yes,' grab the chance of enjoyment - only after asking the others concerned to excuse yourself and assuring them that you will compensate for it in the very next possible time!

Wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, 2009!"