June 20, 2018

'Children only' levels!

        Children have limited understanding capabilities depending upon their knowledge gained from age to age. This capability of them should not be even tried to be pushed up towards adult level. If you do so, it may affect children's emotional and mental functions. All such levels of understanding, knowledge, emotion and mentality should be equal and balancing, pertaining to the age of the child.
Do not treat kids as adults learning their school subjects or doing mischief. There are 'children only' levels too. Do not make these levels crossed and moved to the 'adults only' levels! Let them learn or understand according to and appropriate to their ages.
Treat children as children at children's level only - both in punishing and appreciating too. Do not overload kids as adults!

June 14, 2018

Help to get helped!

     Think about the need of help that other family members might be expecting or requiring from you for themselves. Help them. And expect help for your needs from them too. And make them think about your needs, understand about it, and help you. This will make a better living, relationship, and will give much benefits within the family.

June 12, 2018

Check before and after journey!

     Before starting for a trip, check in the house itself what all you yourself  are having and what others have with them. During the journey, after visiting each place, check on the place (even the car or the transporting vehicle) itself whether you all are having those belongings; then only leave the place. With such precautionary checking, you can be sure about your keeping them safely, without losing any of them in the trip.

June 5, 2018

Make kids enjoy now!

      Children have simple and singly concentrating mind; they have thus much potentialities to enjoy greatly than the adult members of the family. Their childhood pleasant events and enjoyment shall linger in their memories as great, all through their adulthood. So, let them enjoy in all aspects in their childhood itself by providing them all the opportunities - within limits!