July 25, 2020

Move, see, hear and speak!

      Our senses won't last longer as we had them in our infancy. The eye sight and hearing capacity may become impaired. Our talking abilities may also be compromised due to damage to our teeth. Our movements may become feeble due to pain or changes in the legs and hands. So, mingle with the environment - man, woman, children, animals, plants, hills or stones that are present in it. Move to them; see them; hear the sounds made by them, if any, and raise your voice or speak into the environment - now itself. Do not lament later when you become incapacitated to do them.

July 19, 2020

Diet, Enjoy, Entertain, Relax - DEER !

Diet is needed to enjoy and entertain yourself in activities and to relax yourself peacefully into sleep.

Enjoy in taking diet and in doing activities to entertain others and yourself and relax at night with contented mind.

Entertain yourself and others in taking and giving diet, and doing pleasing activities and get sound relaxation of sleeping at night.

Relax tonight, to take the diet, entertain and enjoy in the activities of you and others, the next day.

So, all these (D.E.E.R.) are dependent on each and all others! Don't miss all of them in a day, and make each day a wonderful day for you. So, make today as a D-day to start for that!

July 16, 2020

Be 'present' today!

   If one is going on and on thinking about the future activities with expectations, he may lose the present day activities and enjoyments. So, it is better to be 'present' today at your own place of living where you exist now, without imagining the future activities that are non-existent at this present moment.

July 14, 2020

Avoid getting injured or insulted!

      Yoga can only prepare persons to perform their body and mind work in an orderly manner. If you get injuries or insults to your body or mind by your own activities or by other persons or the environment, then doing yoga cannot do anything; it cannot prevent them. So, even if you do yoga, control your mind and body carefully, and also control the environment around you, or control others' body and mind, if possible, to avoid yourself from getting injured or insulted.

July 8, 2020

Three requirements to lead an easy life!

      On maturity, three requirements for a person, who is living an adult life, are essential to get an easy life that goes on without any hardship. They are health, physical activities and spiritualism!

July 2, 2020

Make awareness, to alert and deal in the situation!

     An awareness is created. Later when one finds a situation to occur, he suddenly feels and understands the purpose for which that awareness was created then in him, by remembering that awareness now. And thus he gets alerted from it, expects something to happen and prepares himself to meet and deal with it. So, make awareness in near and dear, relatives and friends.