October 25, 2008

Doubting and Fearing about a Disease?

Are you thinking or doubting that you have contracted or got a disease transmitted into your body? These thoughts themselves shall put you in a fix of fear, sorrow and anxiety. Thoughts about the disease's outcome and the affections of your future life shall also engage all your attention and time, interfering with your daily work. To avoid these, do immediately preventive measures to stop the spread of the 'doubted disease' inside your body to your at most, and get investigated (- and get cleared off the doubt), and treated for the 'disease,' if it is found at all. Then place the rest at the feet of the God. Now after this, you should shed fear from your mind and be bold to enjoy your life's day to day activities. 'Live today's life.' Don't be a loser of happy days by suspecting a non-existing disease in you!

October 22, 2008

Money and Happiness!

Money is a common freely transferable agreement-token (on paper or coin) that is used (given) by people to get others' services or buy others' materials, or it is that got for the services offered or the materials sold! In a nutshell, it is a common agreement token exchanged for services or materials. It carries with it happiness to all those receiving it. Likewise it should also be given out always with happiness!

October 11, 2008

HAPPINESS Definition!

'Happiness' is,
having the desire (in the mind)
+ yearning to have it (in the mind)
+ getting & enjoying it (by our bodily actions and senses).
So, full happiness consists of four parts, and it is not a single entity!

October 4, 2008

Understanding for Decision!

The level of understanding becomes deep and deep appreciably as you age on and on, when compared to your younger generations. But it is cut short and blocked by your emotions such as fondness and dislike. This block induces you to take a hasty decision. So, think a while, whenever you become emotional. It will clear off the block and lead you to take a fair decision.