March 22, 2022

Appreciate God for signalling us!

        When a person drives a car at night, traffic signals at junctions regulate road traffic and help him drive safely. But he doesn’t know how that signalling mechanism works. Or, he is least bothered about its working. Somehow it works for the good – that’s his attitude. Likewise, in our life God signals us for our safety and good existence. Some may want to know about this intricate mechanism of signalling for goodness, while others may not want to know about it. But this signalling goes on for free and forever in spite of our individual attitudes. One must realize, wonder about this, and appreciate God for this. This will cool/warm Him in return, as our gratitude to Him.

March 17, 2022

Evolution theory in Ancient Tamil!

       How wonderful it is that the evolution of humans from a unicellular organism has been explicitly described in five words of Tamil language! Water, soil, hotness, space and air! Living things have evolved from Water to Air! How the ancient Tamil scholars have found out all these and expressed before the Evolution theory of Darwin, I wonder!