February 19, 2019

Challenging or achieving? Choosing the best!

       If one challenges and does a deed, the resulting victory shall be lost only: soon this victory will fade away making him not satisfied with it and to challenge next for another targeted deed. A deed done with one's own desire is a different one; it may take a longer time to become victorious; but that resulting victory, called here as achievement, will be everlasting, not only in the mind of the person but also in the minds of other persons associated with him. So, choose this best one!

February 9, 2019

Kids deal by throwing away!

     Kids do not imagine anything. They don't bother about this imagining when they are asked to do it. They act only by the command evoked in their mind by the details of the objects received all through their senses. Now and then, the memory of the recent experiences on those objects also helps them in doing it. So, the kids are not tired of learning new things. In exploring new objects, they are not either confused or hesitant through imagining anything or by their past experience, If at all they begin to have again the experience on an already known object, they simply throw it away or stop exploring it, and move out of that scene! And with full expectation and enthusiasm, they become indulged, involved and absorbed there - to experience a new object!