November 26, 2022

Use your switch to switch off activities!

    It is good to do any activity with concentration. But at the same time, one should also know the time limit and the place of the switch - to stop our overdone activities that appear to be done in a dark room. Ignoring our internal body alarm to switch off the activity means that one has begun to walk into the road of addiction. So, switch off activities at the right time not only to lead a mentally and bodily peaceful life but also to live in a congenial atmosphere!

September 17, 2022

Happiness is a magic word that carries happiness on itself!

        Happiness is interlinked within the family (members). OK. But this word, ‘Happy,’ can extend that happiness from within the family to all the others to whom it is communicated through either by speech or by written words with full expression of it! 

August 6, 2022

Sharing multiplies happiness in all!

        We must plan, carry out, enjoy together, be happy and share our experience of it with others, who haven’t participated in all these of the event. This makes them also happy!

July 5, 2022

Memories of body and mind!

        Senses have memory – experiences that are recorded in the brain, as the body has its own 'movements–memory' recorded in the brain. These help one in saving him/her from risks and in deciding wisely without using his/her mind (– circumventing/bypassing it)!

June 29, 2022

Possessions of souls!

 Ultimately, we do and should do only these in the world:

Learn new skills; do them and get experience and satisfaction out of them! Because, we don’t have anything in reality as – body or mind or food as our own, except for this learning, doing and being proud of having such experience and skills. These are all that our souls can possess in this world till they exist in it!

June 20, 2022

Loss due to Social media!

     Senses are arrested or locked or captivated within a minute circle – having the cell phone and you only! Not sensing and thinking with ‘broad’-mindedness, one’s environment is lost as also the time spent in it! 

June 14, 2022

Checking list – for checking before accepting and consuming food!

 1. Adding the quantities of food-intakes for the current day session.

2. Quality of food.

3. Sampling and tasting for pleasantness, before consuming.

4.   Proper time of food intake.

5.   Appetite.

6. Past experience with the same or similar food.

7. Counting the food items intake for the session of the day.

8. Present advantage, if consumed (having a target of intake).

9. Desire to consume the food intended to take. 

10.    Food’s suitability to the present diseased condition, if any.

June 2, 2022

Getting to the top of this Fortune Wheel!

        Being in marriage is a mutual bonding and supporting process between two persons, starting from its initiation to the life’s end of each one of the couple. As one couple is in this process for years, the mutual responsibilities and duties also increase, with gratitude to each other added in, especially in the old age. Whether one is compelled into the relationship or not, whether he/she wanted the relationship or not - from its initiation or during the years later on, it doesn’t matter here. Worthiness of marriage increases with the years of this continuation of bonding and support. So, couple should appreciate this and continue it from this second, minute, hour and so on. Once the couples are on the wheel of the marriage/fortune, they should not look down to the depth from which they have travelled up. But they should look up towards the top position on the wheel to get a heightened position and satisfaction out of it. Even if they look down the depth, they should appreciate their rising-up so far and begin to look up then, without remaining/staying on that same level. Once they are at the top level, they should remain, retain, and maintain on that level. 

March 22, 2022

Appreciate God for signalling us!

        When a person drives a car at night, traffic signals at junctions regulate road traffic and help him drive safely. But he doesn’t know how that signalling mechanism works. Or, he is least bothered about its working. Somehow it works for the good – that’s his attitude. Likewise, in our life God signals us for our safety and good existence. Some may want to know about this intricate mechanism of signalling for goodness, while others may not want to know about it. But this signalling goes on for free and forever in spite of our individual attitudes. One must realize, wonder about this, and appreciate God for this. This will cool/warm Him in return, as our gratitude to Him.

March 17, 2022

Evolution theory in Ancient Tamil!

       How wonderful it is that the evolution of humans from a unicellular organism has been explicitly described in five words of Tamil language! Water, soil, hotness, space and air! Living things have evolved from Water to Air! How the ancient Tamil scholars have found out all these and expressed before the Evolution theory of Darwin, I wonder!

February 18, 2022

Jumping out into the world from the virtual world!

       If a person indulges in social media without limits, it means that he has shrunken his concentrating and doing activities with his body and mind to a tiny circle in a remote place. Nothing happens out of it except an addiction - to continue in it more and more, and again and again, that is a result of an initial fun/entertainment/ attachment he gets from it. This addiction compromises his daily routine works and may irritate others. So, one should come out of this tiny circle by jumping out of it into a biggest circle, that is the Earth, where we were made to do our activities by our birth, with both body and mind.

January 24, 2022

Exposure injuries to the children!

        What we experience and find it as a wonder may not be suitable and appreciable to our children. For example, you find it as wonder to view television channels, and to speak, read and view on mobile phones or computers. But when children also use these, they may produce result in them that may be different from the understanding we get as adults. So, they may affect both their body and mind. Children build up their understanding with what they know already. To avoid this misunderstanding and injuries, we should not expose our children to these modern day luxury gadgets. 

January 10, 2022

What do they like?

    Younger people do not like elder people’s advice, reporting or informing. They like only fun from them!