August 26, 2008

We are after ......!

In this world, we are after:

  1. Money - that provides all

  2. Food - for our living

  3. Shelter - for our living

  4. Security - safety for living

  5. Knowledge - education, advice etc.

  6. Service - anywhere, anytime

  7. Health - for body (hospitals)

  8. Peace - for mind health (Astrology, temples)

  9. Gratifications - through five senses.

August 19, 2008

Mind, Body and the Mood

The recent functioning or the work of both mind and body shapes the present mood of a person!

August 14, 2008

Social or Selfish?

Having faith is being SOCIAL!

Having doubt is being SELFISH!!

Doubt breaks social life if not clarified;

Faith unites human beings if everyone

Has unquestioning mind without any doubting.

August 11, 2008

August 7, 2008

Adult Life Requirements

Love, longevity (health) and prosperity (wealth) are the requirements of adult life. Sexual love is only an entertainment in it.

August 4, 2008

Love and Lust

Love leads you to everywhere; but lust leads you to nowhere. Love lasts lifetime; but lust is short-lived only.

August 1, 2008

Model for Others

Others need our actions and not our fears or hesitations. So, don’t show fear or hesitation in your actions. You will be liked by all others, as a model of their actions if you do so!