June 17, 2021

Come out of doubting!

       Having doubt is a thin area; but it is a strong one. It has two sides. If one moves to it's one side, guessing the matter/observation/information as false, it may fool him, if it is true in reality. It's other side may produce the most violent reaction on guessing it to be true, if it is false in reality. Apart from this, there is an another state of mind that is going on doubting and doubting, moving this side and that side and remaining in that state without any rest. So, one who doubts must dive deep into the matter; think and analyze taking all the circumstances and possibilities, and arrive at a solution to come out first from the doubting state. In deciding it to be false, one should lead a life with good hope and in deciding it to be true, he must take immediate, correct and accepted steps to deal with it. Thus the adverse and unfair effects formed out of doubting on himself or on others concerned, may be avoided positively.

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