January 22, 2016

Live peacefully in the native place!

In smaller towns, villages and hamlets, people are content with their status in their places by understanding their limits, limitations, capacity and even their lower education. The honour they receive from their level and position in their society is sufficient and acceptable for them. They are also satisfied with their wages, profits or salary that they get for their work, materials or their services. They do not compare their income with that of the people living in cities or towns. That is why they live an easier and peaceful life. But only when they cross their limits by comparing, they too become crazy for a city life, a higher education and a higher income. When they move over to the cities then, they get only a few of those they desired and expected there, in exchange for their invaluable peace that they got in their native place. So, live peacefully in your native place! If already moved to city or town, return back to your native place and live peacefully!

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