September 2, 2016

Making machines more enjoyable!

A human can be advised to correct his misbehaviour. That person shall also correct accepting the advice. But can a machine, like a computer, correct itself? No. One has to find out the fault in it and replace the defective parts to make/correct it function normally. We do this with all the seriousness as if it is our own body part - with all our body and mind efforts. Thus, we like and make such machines much nearer to us than ever by this - almost like our own body part! So, we have to instruct and use each one of it correctly and wisely; otherwise, if we don't know how to use/control/repair it or don't use/control/repair it with our will, it may make our own functions abnormal (like depression and frustration) - a retrograde affection! If you feel it beginning to malfunction and don't know how to restore its function or cannot do it by yourself or by even technician, simply sell it or throw it away from you and make yourself feel lightly, and feel more happier to move without it!
So, know about your machines completely and thereby make your machines function normally, and more enjoyable! 

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