October 1, 2016

Advertising - is making desires!

Desire is the expectation formed in one's mind either by his past experience of the enjoyment or by imagination of a new enjoyment after he hears about it from friend or by his own seeing others in enjoyment. There is no need to say about how advertisements lure you to have desires for the products or to have those products on the spot by instant purchasing! Examples for such advertising:
Type 1 lure - giving a free sample to experience and enjoy!
Type 2 lure - influencing by demonstrating the product in front of you!
Type 3 lure - recommending by already experienced or popular persons via media!
Type 4 lure - making you to see others experiencing the product via media!
Is it that the desire inducing is the sole target of advertising? Is it trick or treat, or cleverness in this competitive field?

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