December 28, 2008

A contented life, the way to Peace and Enjoyment!

We forget about all the facilities and position that we have now; but desire to have that all we do not possess now. Remember that we lived ably and decently earlier without all these present day facilities and position. Then now, why should we desire for those additional facilities and position further? At a stage of life we become self sufficient and need no more such things to live on. At this stage we should become self contented and proceed to enjoy our lives with what we have, peacefully. (If one goes on always expecting anything at different stages of life, note that he/she will be having only a restless mind and related worries which may invite only diseases!).

December 21, 2008

Popular Man and Popular Products!

First become known to all before being remembered and recognized. If you present yourself before others, they will see you, inquire you and get the personal information. Later you shall have to revisit them to be remembered or recognized. If you repeat on such visiting them, you will be permanently retained in their memory for their entire life time. Then you shall be a popular person in their circle!
Similarly, note that in business, products have to be shown to the customers with full demonstration about their usage repeatedly, before being accepted as worthy, and bought - to make it to become a popular one!

December 14, 2008

Express yourself to be heard the most!

Express yourself from within your mind with utmost interest; then you can be sure that you have been heard well to the most possible, as your mind itself would have gone closer to the hearing person's ears and conveyed the information speedily to be recorded in his/her brain faster than a electric signal!

December 7, 2008

Hobbies, Leisure time and Rejuvenation

Hobby is one of our actions, in which we are interested with enthusiasm in it. But this hobby must be done only at our leisure time; that too as one among all of our leisure time activities. If you begin to do your hobby work as a routine out of over enthusiasm, it becomes another over burdening extra work added to main works! Don't get submerged in it, and extend its time making your main routine works' time shortened. Remember that hobbies can be postponed, but not the routine works. Hobbies are there only to rejuvenate, recreate and rejoice us!

November 30, 2008

Impress Others!

All of us have a human body and its functions. But what distinguishes each one of us from others are the form, speech and actions. These differ, and are unique to a person concerned. So, to impress or imprint on others, one must be tidy, speak a lot nicely and participate in many social activities. He/she should not be careless about dressing and maintaining body health, should not be keeping mouth shut up always and should not be inactive inside the house sitting in a remote corner. He/she should be cheerful enough to come out, exhibit and express himself/herself as a distinct person in this world!

November 23, 2008

Do your Best and the Most!

Do not worry or care about the result of your aimed work. And do not let the thoughts about it enter into your mind, as they are like infecting disease hampering your work. Do your best and the most without 'foreseeing' the results that whether it will come out as bad or good. If you do your best and the most you can be sure of the fact that the outcome will also be a favorable one to you. So, in any aimed work don't expect, but do your best; the favorable result will come by itself to you!

November 16, 2008

Factors for Perfection and Satisfaction

Each action of a man should be pure (that without any hesitation, and his own - not done with others' instructions) and decisive (accepted as ultimate and definite at mind's level). Then only there will be perfection in his work, and satisfaction in his mind.

November 8, 2008

Work - Time Management

If you have been allowed only a limited time for doing many works, first do the most important and tough works; next do those that interests you much; then do the rest of the unimportant and easy works - to complete all of them within the time frame.

But in case you have liberal time before doing an important work (such as getting out to go to office or to board a bus or train etc.) do not go in for doing the works that interests you. First prepare well yourself for the impending important work. After that do the works that interest you, and that are easier and not important. Allot also reasonable work-free time before the starting of the important work. See that you stop any work that you may be doing just when that free time starts. This free time will ease your mind and shall also compensate for any other unexpected extra important works that may arise up as new and demand you more time.

November 1, 2008

Practical Use of Knowledge

Whatever one reads or studies, he must put it into practical use. The use may be in day to day life activities at home or in office work, or it may be in hobbies or in future profession, in case of students!

October 25, 2008

Doubting and Fearing about a Disease?

Are you thinking or doubting that you have contracted or got a disease transmitted into your body? These thoughts themselves shall put you in a fix of fear, sorrow and anxiety. Thoughts about the disease's outcome and the affections of your future life shall also engage all your attention and time, interfering with your daily work. To avoid these, do immediately preventive measures to stop the spread of the 'doubted disease' inside your body to your at most, and get investigated (- and get cleared off the doubt), and treated for the 'disease,' if it is found at all. Then place the rest at the feet of the God. Now after this, you should shed fear from your mind and be bold to enjoy your life's day to day activities. 'Live today's life.' Don't be a loser of happy days by suspecting a non-existing disease in you!

October 22, 2008

Money and Happiness!

Money is a common freely transferable agreement-token (on paper or coin) that is used (given) by people to get others' services or buy others' materials, or it is that got for the services offered or the materials sold! In a nutshell, it is a common agreement token exchanged for services or materials. It carries with it happiness to all those receiving it. Likewise it should also be given out always with happiness!

October 11, 2008

HAPPINESS Definition!

'Happiness' is,
having the desire (in the mind)
+ yearning to have it (in the mind)
+ getting & enjoying it (by our bodily actions and senses).
So, full happiness consists of four parts, and it is not a single entity!

October 4, 2008

Understanding for Decision!

The level of understanding becomes deep and deep appreciably as you age on and on, when compared to your younger generations. But it is cut short and blocked by your emotions such as fondness and dislike. This block induces you to take a hasty decision. So, think a while, whenever you become emotional. It will clear off the block and lead you to take a fair decision.

September 24, 2008

Mantra for Living On!

Accept the changes in your various stages or ages of life - at the mind level. Do not refuse yourself accepting the changes happening in life. Bodily changes like graying of hairs, bereavement of dear ones, kith and kin are a few examples for this. The essence of 'living on' is - accept and adapt!

September 20, 2008

Enjoy Your Life!

Do not work for completion's sake, that too for extended hours beyond the working hours. The goal of your job is to earn money, with which you have to live your life and enjoy the comforts and facilities in it. So, when you come out of office after a day's work go to enjoy life. Don't carry the work burden in your bag, at least. If possible forget about the pending works when you are at the house (but it will be better and easier to enjoy life at house if you finish the day's work in the office itself). Think about the fact that for our each minute of enjoyment at house or somewhere else we have worked hard at office, and go on to enjoy without wasting the valuable time on trivial things.

September 13, 2008

Tips for Total Success!

In the point of view of other peoples of the society, success in your work belongs to you; achievement in it belongs to you; the pride about it belongs to you and your kith and kin. But what belongs to your Self or Soul? All of these shall belong to your Soul also when you had done that work easily and pleasantly! So, try to do any work in an easier and pleasanter way to have the ultimate total success.

September 6, 2008

Tips for Staying Young!

Allot yourself a few works within a limited but liberal time frame, and do them without any hastiness or hesitation. If you adhere to this time planning without any deviations throughout your life, you will be seen younger than your contemporaries in your life!

August 26, 2008

We are after ......!

In this world, we are after:

  1. Money - that provides all

  2. Food - for our living

  3. Shelter - for our living

  4. Security - safety for living

  5. Knowledge - education, advice etc.

  6. Service - anywhere, anytime

  7. Health - for body (hospitals)

  8. Peace - for mind health (Astrology, temples)

  9. Gratifications - through five senses.

August 19, 2008

Mind, Body and the Mood

The recent functioning or the work of both mind and body shapes the present mood of a person!

August 14, 2008

Social or Selfish?

Having faith is being SOCIAL!

Having doubt is being SELFISH!!

Doubt breaks social life if not clarified;

Faith unites human beings if everyone

Has unquestioning mind without any doubting.

August 11, 2008

August 7, 2008

Adult Life Requirements

Love, longevity (health) and prosperity (wealth) are the requirements of adult life. Sexual love is only an entertainment in it.

August 4, 2008

Love and Lust

Love leads you to everywhere; but lust leads you to nowhere. Love lasts lifetime; but lust is short-lived only.

August 1, 2008

Model for Others

Others need our actions and not our fears or hesitations. So, don’t show fear or hesitation in your actions. You will be liked by all others, as a model of their actions if you do so!

July 28, 2008

Utilization of Skills

One should find ways to utilize the skills, abilities or knowledge that he gained from experience and education. If he is not able to use them, it means that he is handicapped in mind for not using them.

July 25, 2008

The Basis of Communication

Whenever an opinion present in the mind is expressed fully through the speech, it will form the basis for an effective communication. It will produce a good and expected result out of it.

July 21, 2008

Tips for a Long Lasting Friendship

When one speaks it must produce pleasant feelings in the mind of the listener. It will be possible only if the listener had a pleasant experience earlier with the same voice. The saying that the first impression is the best one fits well here. Speak about good matters first, pleasantly to other persons or new neighbors to have a long-lasting friendship.

July 18, 2008

Duties of Parents

When you are earning, warn the young children to learn; govern them when they begin to earn themselves in their later adult life. These are the duties of good parents.

July 14, 2008

Worst Impediments

Fear and hesitations are the worst impediments to any progressing work.

July 11, 2008

Think, Decide and Act

Think (plan) for doing an act; but don’t go on thinking on and on, while carrying out the act! Concentrate in doing it skillfully, without any distraction.

July 7, 2008

The Ultimate Aim

Getting wonder and entertainment out of anything and everything, or in any action should be the ultimate aim of a human being.

July 4, 2008

Thin and Thick Success!

Success is only a thin achievement. But maintaining it, and using it for the welfare of self and others only gives a thick achievement!

July 1, 2008

Simple Principle of Life

Simply: ‘Wish, act and enjoy!’ (with no blocks in between them!). This is the principle of having a good life.

June 28, 2008

Kindling Thoughts

As you see this blog, 'KINDLING THOUGHTS' has been started to 'kindle thoughts' in you as you read on, so that you realize a similar situation with you and put an end to your strain, stress or other difficulties and ease your mind. Read on and stick up for it!

June 27, 2008

The Influencers on Us

The food, the air (and breathing with it) and the place influence our thoughts and mood - and also our digestion and sleep!