December 28, 2019

Mindful person has no birth or death!

        For a person in this world, "his time or his lifetime" is not pertaining to him. It is for others, to count or assess his years of age. When his activities - from his first breathing (birth) upto his last breathing that caeses (death), they are seen and felt only by others near him/her. So, the starting of life or the ending of life are seen only by others and not by the concerned person himself. Body is a form of vehicle for a person, (and it goes on changing from birth), in which he or his mind is born; it lives in it and goes out of it or stops to function, when the person's body itself stops to function totally.

December 20, 2019

Firm mind is variable!

      Everything in this world, or the Universe changes; but mind only can be controlled to resist changes in it, and it can be also kept as such always. But sometimes that mind itself could also be relaxed and changed when a change in it becomes essential or important for the existence itself in this world! So, a 'change' in all should be expected and accepted.

December 16, 2019

Making anything into a possibility!

        Everything is possible in this world, if there is the need, and the desire, and if the concerned activity is also done with hope, involvement and perseverance.

December 13, 2019

What makes one peep?

Everybody likes to peep into others' affairs, possessions and minds mostly due to these following only!
- in curiosity
- in competing with
- in finding fault with
- in envy
- for making fun
- for incriminating
- for comparing
- for judging.

December 5, 2019

Children are 'children only' in understanding!

      Children have limited power of understanding from age to age. Their abilities should not be even attempted to be pushed up towards adults' level. If you do so, it may produce imbalance in their mind  and affect them at their emotional level. All such levels in the kids should be equal and balancing. Do not treat kids as adults learning their subjects or as adults doing mischiefs There are also 'children only' levels. And do not make their levels to become 'adults only' levels! Let them learn or understand according to their age and capacity. Treat children as children at children's level only - both in punishing and appreciating too. Do not overload them thinking and treating them as adults!