Children are interested more in activities of learning and enjoying than in eating food items. That is why they give their first preference to activities. Then, they turn to the food items next, as they now feel the hunger. So, don’t force them to eat first; they themselves shall come towards you soon, demanding food!
September 9, 2023
August 19, 2023
Think over again to remember it!
Think over, and think over again to remember now what you have thought about, and also think over, and think over again to retain and remember at a later time, to express/repeat/record it either by your speech or written words!
July 14, 2023
The trend forever!
‘Distracted from the old and attracted towards the newer, attentive and interesting things’ – it has been the trend always, whether it is in the past, now, later or ever!
July 7, 2023
Living experience!
Living in this world is to feel and experience through all the senses and activities, which are done within the social and family-accepted limitations, in each age or stage of life.
June 30, 2023
Be clean to be pleasant!
Gentlemen and ladies must have their mind and body clean and fresh to make the situation/environment pleasant for their family members and the guests they receive.
June 23, 2023
The goal of education
Children must be informed that through their education they can get knowledge, earn money with the job, good position in the society and in their family circles, and enjoy all through their lifetime. They must be also made to realise that mere job-getting and earning money is not the goal of education; but it is only the getting of all the benefits out of it.
June 9, 2023
World to play!
Love is life;
It is the Nature’s duty to keep you and your body beautiful;
Faith in good things keeps your health.
Experience is your life-partner.
Do the work that pleases you and makes you remain peaceful;
This is your own world to play in it!
June 2, 2023
Retain your memory!
If we go on for long time reading, watching or getting entertainment on smart screens, we shall forget those contents soon and easily. Only intermittent stopping in between listening to them, speaking or discussing with each other in that interval time, can retain the understanding and memory from their contents.
Moreover, everything done with mind and body is limited by the usual way we use them. When we use them for a long time, they respond to that type of long period only and not for any short time work. Then, they adapt for excessive listening to the screens only. Later, even when we do other works of shorter periods other than such screens listening, we won’t be able to remember contents of these short works. Recent memory is lost! Moreover, memory of the works done in the past may be also affected, as the mind space has been reduced by the excessive screen listening, and we do not take enough sleep after it. Thus excess screen listening makes one a handicapped person. So, avoid listening to the screens continuously.
May 19, 2023
Attached with a cell phone!
We can carry modern gadgets like cell phones with us when we move out of the house. But we should not attach ourselves strongly to these phones; otherwise, they shall stick to us like a leech does. Moreover, whether we are inside the house or outside the house, we should not hold them near us for a long time for our own safety.
May 8, 2023
For having pleasant satisfaction
Do right and pleasing things to yourself and to others.
Do activities either that of job, household, hobby or entertainment at the proper time and that too within the usual allotted or permitted period of time.
Resist compulsion whether it is from within yourself or from others near or far.
May 5, 2023
Avoid unpleasantness by activities or by others’ advice!
Expected unpleasantness may be converted into pleasantness by doing the needed activities that could avoid any occurrence of that unpleasant happening. These activities will also bring in us satisfaction and peace in mind. Then, we will be having also a mind set-up for wishing and doing activities for getting pleasantness in other expected activities also!
Or, in an another way to deal this: it will be first better not to do any activities at all towards it, thereby avoiding tension also, and follow only what elder and wise people do or advise us on avoiding such unpleasantness.
May 1, 2023
Do all activities to own you!
What one activates and do are those activities that are thought to be owned by him or her. So, when one goes on listening to the gadget’s screens, he forgets his own body itself and thinks that he doesn’t possess it! So, in viewing screens, be aware of the presence of all your body parts intact; disconnect from viewing on the screens, and start using your body parts combined in one sole upright posture, that is, you! It is you who is present alive and it is not an isolated body part of you such as a pair of eyes that is alive! [Moreover, note that your eyes are seeing only the virtual movements on the screens that too are not alive or real in front of you].
April 26, 2023
Search beforehand and not now!
To find out a thing at the last minute, don’t go on searching and searching; it shall make you frantic. Select a slot of time beforehand and search; don’t waste time at the last minute. Other duties wait for you. If the thing is an unimportant one, searching for it can be done later on. Don’t continue searching for the searching-work’s completion-sake. Also, don’t go on searching to avoid your feeling lost, on the lost thing. If you do so, actually your time and energy is lost than anything else.
April 21, 2023
Tips to get and preserve mood!
Words could influence mood as also lighting. So, change the place to a pleasing one and hear pleasant sounds to have a good mood to enjoy life and to have a good night’s sleep. If you want to preserve that good mood, take rest after shutting your eyes and ears; breathe deeply for a few minutes. Then you can resume enjoying in that good mood!
April 5, 2023
Maintaining health!
We earn money for our refreshments, entertainment and convenience. For these all to be enjoyable, we need our body to be in a healthy status. Then, if earning money itself impairs the health status of the body, we must correct our exertion and stress in our work/job; relax after work and also reduce our involvement and exertion in other activities outside the job hours. This can improve our health status to pursue our job and enjoy effectively with the money we earned!
March 16, 2023
Money is a permission!
The money we receive for our job, service or activities is only a form of permission (in paper, coin) to get refreshed and entertained through convenience, eatables, articles bought and activities provided by others.
March 13, 2023
Entertain kids by entertaining yourselves!
Like we get entertainment and enjoy our life, we must let our children too get entertained, and enjoy up to their suitable level. Fixing targets like getting good marks and thereby getting a good job are not enough. Don't stop with these advising/assigning targets. We must make them learn how to enjoy, by seeing ourselves enjoy. We can also let them have hobbies in their leisure time as we have. Later, when we enjoy life even in our old age also, all these can guide our children to enjoy all through their life during their education, job and even beyond these!
March 2, 2023
An example for limiting Social Media!
When our ancestors took bath in river or waterfalls along with the folks of the village, they used to speak/chat with them. So, when they assembled in a place daily and regularly, they chatted and then went away to attend to their duties. Like that, now we should read, text or chat in the Social media only once a day – to safeguard our interests in other activities of the world, and to save and have our own time for these activities!
February 20, 2023
Limiting sensing to do the activities with Senses!
The word, ‘Sense,’ is one’s feeling with his sense organs, inferring out of it and then doing activities instantly on this inference. Too much such feeling with sense organs leads one, only to promote a flow of unnecessary thoughts that shall prevent starting, doing and continuing any activities. Likewise, ‘Social Sense,’ is also there to feel and do activities within limits inside the society according to the rules accepted and adapted in it. It is also like the ‘Road Sense’ that we follow in travelling through roads.
February 15, 2023
Caring gives new life too!
If one has an idea and decides to give care to a person, it means that he/she is going to give a new birth/life to that person. So, anybody can take care/give care to persons who need it – either with their knowing about it or without their knowing about it.
February 2, 2023
Doing is better!
If you know, do it. Even if you don’t care to know more about anything itself, do it with whatever you know about it. Doing is important and is better than doing nothing after knowing a lot about it.
January 30, 2023
Pray realizing our ignorance
‘I know about all in the world.’ If one says this, he is wrong. Many things work without our knowing/knowledge. By being aware of this fact, let us pray or wish to get the good ones happen to us.
January 28, 2023
Changing ships at New Year!
While being on a ship, we think that we are standing on a static floor, though we actually move on in the sea, with the cruising ship. Likewise, we move on in the sea of years, in successive blocks of one year crossing the boundaries (New Years, each year), to forget about our moving fast in age!
January 19, 2023
Records of the past are becoming extinct!
Since the ancient times, peoples of the subcontinent, Bhaaratham (India), through the centuries (from 300 B.C. to this 21st century) had forgotten the events and incidents of their times, living their own lives or forgotten to transfer them to their descendants’ knowledge. But the kings of the ancient times recorded them to some extent on stones through inscriptions, the existence of which has been also ignored by the people. So, this is leading towards the total destruction of those records and the history of the kingdoms.
January 14, 2023
Related to the ancient rule or the ruler!
In the ancient subcontinent, Bhaaratham (India) including its southern Thamizhagam (Tamil Nadu) had many Kingdoms that were ruled by different Kings. We read a lot about these Kings in the History and wonder about their bravery and popularity – not knowing that we are the descendants of the same people ruled by them. And now, within ourselves we may have the descendants of those ancient Kings too!
January 11, 2023
Checking before communicating!
If you find and know that some information is beneficial and good, do not hasten to inform or communicate it to others through any type of media. Use or do yourself using that information and get benefitted out of it; then repeat it. Find whether there are any demerits or inconvenience in using it. If you are satisfied with it, then communicate others about that information and about your experience with it.
January 9, 2023
Look at near you not at the end!
If we go on seeing the end (from the present) we see only one event – the end. But if we see every moment of life – today, this hour, this minute or second, then we shall have a lot of events to make or experience before that single event, the end. So, be cheerful enjoying each event without looking and locked at the end. Because it shall distract you towards it and pull you fast towards it, if you go on looking at it constantly.
January 4, 2023
Love bonds/binds in linked-in marriages!
A girl/woman expects at the most only these two aspects in a man – the first one is the money (and hence the potential convenience that he could bring into the family/house) and the next one is the man’s skilled capabilities and hence his activities out of them. But if the girl/woman herself has got both of these (money and capabilities), then the expected or the entire married life must be a strongly bonded one with love towards each other. So, couples-to-marry, those in marriage and those already in married life must realize this and be loving and supportive to each other – to avoid disassociation between themselves at any stage of their future life partnership.