The social family system, in which a person lives in, is so designed that there are only overall benefits and advantages out of it for him or her. That too needs adjusting with one another, giving up certain things, and also demanding and getting certain things. So, though a person feels disgusted with his/her present family system, overall, he/she will find it out to be the most advantageous, a safer and the best one to be present. So, a person in a social family system must be like a toothed wheel to move with the other toothed wheel (spouse) smoothly - to run the entire life machine easily and smoothly!
December 31, 2016
December 25, 2016
Helping too much lands you in trouble!
You can win others if you find their needs, their preferences and offer these to them. And you can even correct their mistakes, and also offer them timely help. But too much indulgence in it may breed envy and make them reject your offers; beware of this!
December 8, 2016
Expect with a happy mood, and enjoy!
In any function, event or activity, there will be enthusiasm and satisfaction only when a pleasant expectation of it is induced in all its participants - that too well before the start of the function. In addition to that, that function should be carried out by all smoothly with involvement, with ease, with freed mind, with a happy mood, and without any inhibition too. Then the satisfaction will be felt by all the participants even before the ending of the function, and also after the function is over, long lasting - without any feeling of lost enjoyment!
December 6, 2016
Advice on advising others!
Unlike giving succour at difficult situations, others may or may not accept either our voluntary suggestion or advice in any matter. They may dislike or reject them hurting us. But when they seek us, and ask us, we can give advice; but with that they may not get satisfied. So, do advise them in such a situation, but only when you know their ulterior motive for such approach; otherwise, be cautious, on guard and don't indulge too much in it: advise only - that too lightly!
October 29, 2016
Compare/match always to get awareness!
Feeling, understanding and memory - all these constitute awareness in a human being. There are two kinds of awareness - one internal, concerning both the body and mind and the other one, external, concerning the environment. These two types of awareness are done and hence present at that moment by comparing and matching the differences found between the past state of the mind & body or the environment and the present state of them respectively. They are constantly revised and updated from moment to moment. In old age, such comparing the differences is done between the past state of the mind & body and the present state of the environment. It is also done between the present state of the mind & body and the past state of the environment (- as seen in the yogis doing yoga who feel better in the present state of body & mind, and hence they become aware of it!). When the person dies, these all awareness too go off as he/she!
October 28, 2016
Create yourself to get the result!
There are circumstances, situations and environment that can be created by our self to get the desired result. An example for this is this: providing a child a good environment for getting his/her best education.
October 27, 2016
Steer with hope and attitude in life!
Only the 'hoping' and the 'attitude' that are present in a person lead that person in all the matters throughout his life. The 'hoping' may be for anything that is desired or required by him. But this 'attitude' of him must be oriented towards the goodness in all the matters. In a person, this type of attitude should be made to form in his mind since his childhood, and it must be maintained as such throughout the life by him. This 'having good attitude' itself could be prevented from being given up or altered by the person by this 'hoping for the good' in life, persistently! So, have hope for the good in life and have good attitude towards life to steer yourself easily all through your life!
October 25, 2016
Visit all shops to save and be healthy!
Under favourable climate, buying or that purchasing all items at departmental stores is suitable only for the following persons:
- Aged people.
- Lazy people.
- Busy people
And it is not for others; these other peoples can move over to individual shops which sell each item alone/ exclusively and be active. By this they shall get an astonishing bargain and savings out of it, apart from keeping themselves healthy!
October 14, 2016
How food influences life expectancy?
The food we take in also influences on our life period in this world! A quarter of our life period may be lessened by our excessive in-take of food than that our body requires. So, we have to avoid craziness towards food. Our mind must give way for the assessment of the degree of hunger rather than to our desire and food availability - that is either in plenty or scarcity. Another quarter of our life period may be lessened by the bad quality of food that is taken in, either with knowing about it or without knowing about it! Then, when one is in his middle age of life (after not being crazy and taking good food!), he should understand that as the body systems become older and older, the power of digestion also declines, and that he must adjust and align his desires and hunger with proportion to that. If he doesn't adjust so, a quarter of his remaining life may be lessened! Though we cannot extend our lifetime beyond the allotted time limit, we can achieve at least that allotted time. Isn't it? So, all these three factors in eating food must be considered at one and the same time itself, before we make any food a habitual one (- depending on our age either by changing it or altering it, or by replacing it). All these factors are interlinked and interdependent to determine our existence in this world!
October 13, 2016
Training body and food for life expectancy!
We are influenced by the food we take in. As we grow up from childhood, our body matures and it is trained well by itself to deal with all the food we eat. But there is an age limit for this training. After this limit, we, our self, should train our body, through our mind to make the food digest well and utilise it. This could be done by making better choice of food and its quantity suitable for us and our age. This training will make us touch at least the usual expected end time of our life! If otherwise, our life may end prematurely. So, train body in eating food - by better choice through mind!
October 7, 2016
Reconciliation to live peacefully!
If a person thinks of offending the person living (with him/her) nearby, it is like thinking to harm himself or herself! Because, all are interdependent on each other in living. If the offending itself is done after such thinking, this act shall rebound back instantly or later, directly or indirectly in someway to offend. So, curb those thoughts immediately as soon as they arise by discussion, compromise and reconciliation with the person concerned, preventing offending on both sides. Thereby, both the persons can live a longer, happy and peaceful life together!
October 6, 2016
Participate to arrive at a decision!
You have past half of your life. Every thing expected in life is achieved and completed. Now, you leave every activity of the family members to happen by itself and ignore them without any action from your side. This is equal to your committing suicide before your actual end of your life. So, do participate in their activities, discuss with them and make them arrive at a good solution, decision or resolution.
October 5, 2016
Give and take policy in the environment!
From the environment around, you get food, breathe air, receive sounds and feel anything touching your skin. Do we give back these to the environment? Shouldn't we make the environment experience and enjoy what it gave us to experience and enjoy? We should give food to others - those in the environment - man, animal or plant; we should plant trees to give back the pure air to the environment; speak or sing in the environment to communicate/please its occupants; touch or handle persons, animals, plants and things gently, softly and fondly. Moreover, the environment comes into your eyes all by itself as a vision to you. What could you do for it? You should make your appearance in the environment pleasing to all while you move around in it! This pleasing should not be for the human beings alone, but for the animals, plants and also to the non-living things in it! This is because the energies you got from the environment are to be given back thus: a give and take policy! You took that from the environment; environment shall take that you give it back to it, isn't it?
October 4, 2016
Get out for peace!
You see on anything only to feel or to do something; that some thing is done on your desire to do it after seeing that anything. In this process, you don't think about anything else and are not distracted by anything else. That's why at times when your mind is disturbed, for example, if you get out and go to places like cinema theatres and listen to that you desire, you get pacified!
October 3, 2016
Benefits of yoga!
Yoga lifts you to a higher level of preparedness to do anything. It makes you healthy and to have higher energies to do any involved work in a deeper level, or for a longer period! Then why can't you try it? Try it and share your experience here.
October 2, 2016
Train memory and senses!
With constant use of memory and senses, a person can locate positions of objects correctly. So, train your memory and senses to help you and others to locate misplaced articles, and to help you even in your studies! With this skill training, you can also live through your old age, and its forgetfulness, if any!
October 1, 2016
Advertising - is making desires!
Desire is the expectation formed in one's mind either by his past experience of the enjoyment or by imagination of a new enjoyment after he hears about it from friend or by his own seeing others in enjoyment. There is no need to say about how advertisements lure you to have desires for the products or to have those products on the spot by instant purchasing! Examples for such advertising:
Type 1 lure - giving a free sample to experience and enjoy!Is it that the desire inducing is the sole target of advertising? Is it trick or treat, or cleverness in this competitive field?
Type 2 lure - influencing by demonstrating the product in front of you!
Type 3 lure - recommending by already experienced or popular persons via media!
Type 4 lure - making you to see others experiencing the product via media!
September 30, 2016
Clear mind space first!
To do any work the mind must be without any other distractions. Because, mind space is limited. That's why, when it is filled with fear or anger or tension or thoughts, the person is not able to concentrate on his work or studies with involvement. So, free your mind space first from such preoccupations!
September 25, 2016
Position for women in society!
Speaking ability, money, planning, managing and carrying out all those activities related to these shall make women find a good position in their immediate society at least!
September 22, 2016
Reverting back to the state beyond a new born baby!
When a grown adult person finds his body parts are not movable or controllable, as before or as others, he feels hopeless in life; first he becomes depressed. Later, if he loses his sensory and understanding abilities also, he becomes confused and forgets the previous incidents and hence, loses his memory. Now in this stage he doesn't want anything from his immediate environment. So, his 'I' and the 'Mind' is lost to somewhere; he slowly moves down to an unconscious state - a coma-like state that he had been in before he was born in this world! Where did his soul go at this stage? Did it go back to its source, the main analytical mind ring (probably, the God) from where it came from? Will it return back to make him live and active as before? If you know about it, share it here!
Analytical mind,
September 21, 2016
Reinforcing the 'I' in baby!
In the newborn the mind is formed first and then the 'I'. Then as the baby grows old by days, it gets its power of seeing; looks at moving face of its mother and sees her. Mothers and others touch it by moving their hands towards it that activates its touch sense. With instinct or hope it tries to lift its hand or leg, and finds it successful and that it can control all these - either to do it or stop it at its will. Now, the 'I' is fully and strongly formed in it by repeated such reinforcements!
September 20, 2016
Departing or deporting soul from the Earth!
A person lives in this world. During his/her living or after his/her living full to the brim, the time to depart may come. What does happen here? All the person's body organs become affected; the perfect coordination/connection between them suffers. Then function of each one of those organs becomes impaired. At this time the 'bodily Soul' departs; all the internal organs stop functioning one by one leading to the death of the person. But the 'mindly Soul' remains in the body, if at all it is healthy, attentive and still hopeful of life with all it's expectations - for sometime (how much time?). If the body is/was not healthy, inactive, hopeless and dejected without having any further life expectations, this 'mindly Soul' too departs from the body quickly. It is deported from the world to merge and connect with the main analytical mind ring, probably, the God!
September 16, 2016
Soul entry in baby's body!
After a baby is formed inside the womb of its mother, its body grows on and on. And its bodily functions also continue to maintain the body since it is formed, and other functions are also get added one by one. With the perfect coordination and functioning of all the fully developed organs, a 'bodily Soul' is formed/enters inside the baby's body either before or after its birth! At which time of being inside mother's womb (or at which time after its birth out of it's mother's womb) is this Soul (the motor part of Analytical mind) formed in (or does it enter) the baby's body? Do you know? Share it here, if you know!
September 8, 2016
Do or delegate work!
Do not believe in others who are either adamant or forgetful or dull headed; they won't do what all we wish or advise them to do for us. So, do not trust and depend on them. Instead do the work yourself or delegate it to others who are trustworthy in doing that work.
Dull headed,
September 3, 2016
We share to care all!
We, as parents, give care to our children since their birth. After they are grown up, married and begotten/blessed with their own kids, we give our grandchildren additional care. When we grow older, will our own children give care to us? They should give care and love as they themselves shall want their kids to give them care and love in their old age, isn't it? So, sharing care, though we are unaware of it, shall give mutual care to all the generations to follow us! So, share to care all!
September 2, 2016
Making machines more enjoyable!
A human can be advised to correct his misbehaviour. That person shall also correct accepting the advice. But can a machine, like a computer, correct itself? No. One has to find out the fault in it and replace the defective parts to make/correct it function normally. We do this with all the seriousness as if it is our own body part - with all our body and mind efforts. Thus, we like and make such machines much nearer to us than ever by this - almost like our own body part! So, we have to instruct and use each one of it correctly and wisely; otherwise, if we don't know how to use/control/repair it or don't use/control/repair it with our will, it may make our own functions abnormal (like depression and frustration) - a retrograde affection! If you feel it beginning to malfunction and don't know how to restore its function or cannot do it by yourself or by even technician, simply sell it or throw it away from you and make yourself feel lightly, and feel more happier to move without it!
So, know about your machines completely and thereby make your machines function normally, and more enjoyable!
So, know about your machines completely and thereby make your machines function normally, and more enjoyable!
September 1, 2016
Eight activities of you!
There are eight activities for you (for the eight senses you have!):
- Getting out of house - to see the natural environment around you.
- Speaking to others - for making others to hear and understand you.
- Touching others - for giving others your love, assurance, hope and secure feeling.
- Giving others food - for tasting, feeling the good in it and blessing you.
- Giving pleasant smells - for making others feel (smell) good of you, by cleaning yourself, house and the vicinity you live in.
- Mingling with others and appreciating them - for making them realise their presence with you.
- Doing desired activities being satisfied in it and expressing this satisfaction with emotion to others - for making yourself feel your presence when they appreciate you.
- Helping others having distress either in their mind or body, or having both of them, and with this adding your going to the temple for worshipping the God - for making others feel the presence of God.
August 30, 2016
Eight senses of you!
There are eight senses in you!
- Sight
- Hearing
- Touch
- Taste
- Smelling
- Feeling self (your) presence(!)
- Feeling others' presence
- Feeling God's presence
Never leave a day without using all these senses! Or never allow a day leave you without your using all these senses!
August 27, 2016
Best is the rest! But not the worst work! Avoid Diabetes!
If one sits down on a chair and takes rest for a while, it is OK. But if he goes on working only with his brain and eyes for hours together sitting on a chair, this resting on that chair becomes the worst work of any work. Let it be the work on a computer or reading a book. Here, other parts of the body are awake but not working. The person's digestive system produces glucose from the food he has taken in. The blood carrying this glucose is now in a dilemma in this situation. His muscles are not working; they don't require glucose. All the muscular parts of the body are awake and ready to work; glucose is also ready to get used up for that; due to this, it cannot be converted by the body into either protein or fat also. So, the excess glucose, that remains after being used for vital basic functions of the body, accumulates in the blood as time goes on with the continuing process of digestion. This chronic accumulation of excess glucose that is ready but without any utilisation results in the retention of glucose in the blood, the glucose being blind-folded and losing its capacity to find its usual exit into the body tissues. Then, a part of this glucose gets out of the blood to the exterior as such in the urine; the rest and the most of it remains in the blood unused. This state of (dis-eased) body is Diabetes mellitus! So, a man must be either bodily active fully, or take rest completely in between, in doing such sedentary works - that resting too taken in between equal shorter periods of doing that work. This will release glucose from blood either to the muscles for continuing their activity or to the fatty tissue for fat formation, thus preventing Diabetes mellitus in you! This is important in people who take in more carbohydrate-rich diets. Moreover, the students in their schools must not be confined to their desks for both the day and nighttime studies in the name of tuition to get more marks in their exams. Their nature is to be active always. If their activities are restricted now, they may develop later Diabetes mellitus in their adulthood! Make our future generations Diabetes-free!
August 25, 2016
Stop and move away to listen to TV next!
When we stare at TV or computer screen, or read books, we hold our breath at a certain level and let in air into the lungs only in a thinner stream than the usual stream. The continuous staring produces first tiredness in our muscles that have become inactive already due to our seating motionless in the chair (that is, they are having less blood flow); next the tiredness creeps into the eyes, and hence our mind too becomes tired. How can we avoid this and supply more oxygen to our brain, eyes and muscles, and thereby clearing the accumulating toxic substances in the blood?
First stop that work; close your eyes; take in deep breaths and let it out - for about ten minutes; then rise up, walk away and do other energetic works for about ten minutes. And then return to continue your listening or reading with the freshened up state!
But, is there any other method to freshen up yourself without all these breathing and spending your valuable time? Yes. It is there! It is the talking actively with other viewers or readers seated next to you. Talking itself is an excellent exercise for the lungs that supplies oxygen in full stream! But that walking or moving away from the spot cannot be avoided here; it should be included anyway.
Then, think about the lonely yogis meditating in the interior of wild forest. How do they manage sitting always on the ground lonely for hours together - though not listening to TV or reading books? Whom they shall talk to? Can it be this? They simply close their eyes and talk with the God, breathing deeply!
First stop that work; close your eyes; take in deep breaths and let it out - for about ten minutes; then rise up, walk away and do other energetic works for about ten minutes. And then return to continue your listening or reading with the freshened up state!
But, is there any other method to freshen up yourself without all these breathing and spending your valuable time? Yes. It is there! It is the talking actively with other viewers or readers seated next to you. Talking itself is an excellent exercise for the lungs that supplies oxygen in full stream! But that walking or moving away from the spot cannot be avoided here; it should be included anyway.
Then, think about the lonely yogis meditating in the interior of wild forest. How do they manage sitting always on the ground lonely for hours together - though not listening to TV or reading books? Whom they shall talk to? Can it be this? They simply close their eyes and talk with the God, breathing deeply!
August 24, 2016
Life's basic aspects!
It is better to recollect and remember these important aspects of our life:
- We exist to live.
- We maintain our form intact as a human being.
- We function as a human being.
- We live also to prevent any deformation or malfunctioning (disease).
August 19, 2016
Think about the present comforts!
Now, in our life we want to get things and comforts that we do not have at present. But we forget what things and comforts that we have now. If we think about this, the need for those extra items and our further expectations on them will become lesser!
August 18, 2016
Strengthen friendship within relationship!
A friendship is to be made newly; but relationship is already there with us readily made - for always keeping friendship and befriending with! Don't avoid it; renew it and nurture it - for bonding to life and getting benefits out of it!
August 17, 2016
First have abilities!
Before buying a material or machine, one should have abilities (or persons having these abilities) to use or operate it. Even if you have these abilities now or later, you must then protect, retain and maintain it (- as also the persons operating it, in case you do not have the abilities yet). Otherwise, the material or the machine that is to be bought will become idle, rusted and a waste. So, have abilities first before buying these and have also skills in managing it - to get the best performance out of it!
August 16, 2016
Formation of Mind, I and the Soul in the newborn!
The 'Mind' is formed in a newborn baby from the first instance it receives its first stimulation through any of its senses and this stimulation is 'felt' for the first time; later, when the same stimulation comes again to the baby and is felt again, by its 'Mind', now its 'Mind' becomes the 'I' after the identification and understanding this later stimulation as one like that of that one received earlier, and that it is now recurring. (Here note that the 'Memory' of the baby is also formed). Along with these the subconscious first identification and understanding of 'Self' (the 'Mindly Soul') is also done by the 'Subconscious Mind', which has been also thus formed out of the baby's 'Mind', the 'I', by this process of identification, understanding, and feeling of 'Self' as a separate one! Such understandings are reinforced when that stimulation repeats itself coming to the baby constantly. When another different type of stimulation comes next to stimulate and to be felt, the 'I' of the baby understands it too to be a different one by 'comparing' it with the previous one - the memory + understanding the new one by comparison. Thus the reasoning power of the Mind is also got by the baby!
August 12, 2016
Get rewarded out of challenging work!
With achievements in our regular and routine works, we don't feel them as achievements at all or we don't inform others about them proudly. They are felt only just as a subconscious completion of work, that too is forgotten in a few minutes. But when we do and complete a challenging and problematic work, we get the whole sensation of achievement, completion and satisfaction out of it which we don't forget at all, and remember it throughout our lifetime. So, face challenging works in life; go through them and conquer; get rewarded for it and recollect about it in mind forever to rejoice about it!
August 11, 2016
Expect anything by memory/senses!
Memory of yesterday's satisfaction induces an expectation in us today too, for getting that again. Example for this is that we expect, by reflex, yesterday's tasty food today too to be served. But there is also an another type of expectation which we get only when we feel it through our senses combined with memory. Here, information from our memory is retrieved on receiving a similar stimulus from the environment as that of a previous one. This one evokes in us an expectation of arrival of something that either satisfied or terrified us before with its content, in a similar previous conditions of the environment. Examples for this are a pet fish in an aquarium tank swimming up to the water surface on mere seeing the fingers of its master, expecting a feed! And humans expecting Tsunami that occurred on a similar date in a previous year! Think also here about the special perception power of animals in identifying the oncoming Tsunami early!
August 10, 2016
Desire makes warning ignored!
Desire is the worst enemy of a man's intellect. For our goodness, our intellect advises or warns us of our deviation to the improper way; but our desire makes us ignore those advice or warning!
August 9, 2016
Not all! One at a time!
We are amazed on seeing colossal buildings. We know that they were made out of hard work done by numerous humans. It is beyond the capacity of a single man in erecting such a building. So, man has limitations in his capacity. And he cannot overload himself with such a colossal work. In the ordinary routine life, we have to do even simple works one by one, and the complex work a part at a time, taking rest to resume it next. So, do - not all! But one at a time!
August 6, 2016
Human body is unique with all its switches!
Human body operates with low electrical impulses having units as low as Micro-volts! But with these impulses of ours, we can control the motor vehicles that operate with electricity 12 Volts and higher than that! So, we have a remarkable body: we can stop an intended action in its middle; but a vehicle operating with huge power (comparatively) cannot stop by itself once its engine is switched on; it will stop only when another force comes down (from us) to press the engine switch to the off position! So, the God has given us 'POWER' to stop doing (the bad) act in its various stages - even before doing it - i.e., in the mind, in the process of willing to do it, and also within the short time of beginning to do it. We are much better than machines! Yes, we have switches within ourselves at various levels. Let us use them wisely and control ourselves!
August 5, 2016
Brush away or come together!
Order, form and function must be maintained in an organism or an animal to be recognised by other animals. Otherwise, those other animals, whether of the same kind or of a different kind shall find out the difference and malfunctioning, if any, and may either ridicule or reject it away! But this situation is brushed away either by moving away knowing it as the nature of their mind or by approaching them, proving that it has friendliness and kindness in its mind by communicating with them nicely, and making them accept it as one of a kind!
August 4, 2016
The dawning of wisdom!
When a work, that is done in a stupid way out of ignorance, reveals the fact to the person, and the person understands the fact now and begins to do that work in a proper, good and approved way, there dawns the wisdom in him/her!
It's Tamil version:
"இதுவரை விஷயம், விவரம் தெà®°ியாது மடத்தனமாக செயல்புà®°ிந்து, பின், உண்à®®ை புà®°ிந்து சரியான வழியில் செயல்பட ஆரம்பிக்குà®®்போது à®…à®™்கே உதயமாவதுதான் 'à®…à®±ிவு' என்பது!"
It's Tamil version:
"இதுவரை விஷயம், விவரம் தெà®°ியாது மடத்தனமாக செயல்புà®°ிந்து, பின், உண்à®®ை புà®°ிந்து சரியான வழியில் செயல்பட ஆரம்பிக்குà®®்போது à®…à®™்கே உதயமாவதுதான் 'à®…à®±ிவு' என்பது!"
August 3, 2016
Check before driving!
Remember this list of words to check the condition of a motor vehicle before driving it:
These checks are important for a safe driving to the place of destination!
- Fuel
- Brake
- Ignition
- Horn
- Mirrors
- Tyres
- Indicators
- Lights
- Seat belt
These checks are important for a safe driving to the place of destination!
August 2, 2016
Don't repeat!
Wrongdoing should not be continued again; one should correct himself forthwith and follow the right way of life. He should not be going on repeating his wrongdoing - to prove himself as a stupid person for all others to laugh at!
It's Tamil version:
தவறுகளை à®®ீண்டுà®®் செய்யாமல் தன்னைத் திà®°ுத்திக்கொள்ளவேண்டுà®®்; இந்த தப்புக்களை à®®ீண்டுà®®் செய்து தன்னை à®®ுட்டாள் என்à®±ு அணைவரின் à®®ுன்புà®®் நிà®°ூபிக்கவேண்டாà®®்!
July 30, 2016
Get an uplifted mind!
Whenever you make others feel happy, or make them feel the relief of their worries, your subconscious mind gets uplifted to a higher level. Then you feel the goodness in life, and the worthiness of your life! So, do such service by your activities, at least once in a day!
Unpleasant? Make it pleasant!
If the environment present around you is unpleasant, make it a pleasant one for you. Don't blame the nature of your environment for it. That environment can be changed favourably without affecting other persons and without losing other benefits that you are getting out of it. It can be done only by you - by your activities. Make the environment friendly and favourable for yourself!
July 29, 2016
Checking for your work's worthiness!
Ask yourself these questions before starting to do a work or in the midst of carrying it out. If you do so and evaluate it, you shall infer much from it and shall decide whether to continue to do it or stop it forthwith.
Am I correctly oriented, careful and involved in the work?
Do I do this present work to my satisfaction?
Is it valuable to me?
Is it a most respected one for the relatives, friends and others?
Does this work affect my health?
Does it cause damage to my property and other belongings?
Is it the most important and useful one to me and to others?
Is it important to do it at the present time and situation?
Am I correctly oriented, careful and involved in the work?
Do I do this present work to my satisfaction?
Is it valuable to me?
Is it a most respected one for the relatives, friends and others?
Does this work affect my health?
Does it cause damage to my property and other belongings?
Is it the most important and useful one to me and to others?
Is it important to do it at the present time and situation?
July 28, 2016
Enjoy today! Leave tomorrow to come by itself!
Don't go on expecting for a distantly set enjoyment. If you do so, the enjoyments that come in that set time interval shall lose their charm with you and you shall enjoy less. Moreover, the time will fly away in that period; after reaching and enjoying that set target of enjoyment, you will be astonished to find that time has moved faster then and that you have lost the enjoyments in between. So, enjoy the present day rather than being preoccupied with that of a distant one. Leave alone the distant day to come to us by itself and present before us to enjoy it!
July 27, 2016
Shape the day; don't divide it!
We must shape the present day and the days to come, to enjoy them happily; we need not plan for every minute of a day to enjoy.
July 26, 2016
Make friendship!
Friendship is to be made by us; it won't come to us on our way. If we wish to have one with someone, we have to make an attempt for it, go closer and communicate. Then both of your minds shall come closer for you to be friends. So, mere wishing/willing from a distance will do nothing; you shall lose the chance to make friendship. The other person on the other end too may go away without knowing your intention to befriend him/her.
July 23, 2016
The route to happiness from dejection is perseverance!
Dejection or depression in life is produced (with the accompanying dissatisfaction, envying and anger) out of fear and worries. To get relieved of it, one has to have only one thing in life: it is the perseverance! If one perseveres with hope of achieving, and boldness in action, he shall be lifted out of that dejected feeling first; then he shall begin to have happiness from the start of such perseverance itself! Then it shall lead him to success in achieving his target and produce in him proud, satisfaction and happiness! So, persevere!
July 17, 2016
Yoga benefits!
Yoga is not a physical exercise; it is more than those physical exercises. The benefits coming out of it are long lasting. A few of them witnessed are listed:
- Yoga restores your previous fresh state of mind from the tiredness got after too much exertion.
- Corrects your posture.
- Relieves pain got after being in defective posture, irregular sleeping and inactivity.
- Frees from nasal blocks, any respiratory infection.
- Makes your body movements easier.
- Makes you more agile than before.
July 16, 2016
To live successful through life!
Being attentive, having effective managing skills in anything coming across, adding multifarious skills and with a little bit of luck element added to it makes your life successful!
July 15, 2016
Bring smile on others!
If you want to have some experience/information even from a hostile person, don't hesitate to approach him. If you express to that person your willingness, it will bring on him a smile instead of hostile grin! Yes. Only distancing produces such thoughts of hostility in the minds of both of you. Approaching each other removes them. Even if that person has a cruel mind, your such approach shall make a change in his mind and make him experience goodness in him. So, he will respond to you positively and may even become a friend of you! So, don't judge at a distance; approach near to feel the reality!
July 14, 2016
Same chemical changes! Adjust!
We find in each era of human history that the people experience the same feelings, whether it is of pleasure or displeasure in their activities; with these feelings, there has been the production of the same chemical changes/reactions in the body throughout whether it is in the past or the present! Only thing we have to do is to know the changes in the trends present in each era and adjust with it! In each era, trends such as the fashion and life style may be changing on and on; but the chemical reactions do not change; they go on as such!
July 13, 2016
Pain everywhere! Where from did it come?
Unexplained and unreasonable pain is produced generally by:
- Inadequate sleeping
- Incorrect posture
- Faulty diet
- Inactivity
- Deficient drinking of water
- Deficient interaction with others
- Deficient communication due to disabilities
Here there is the feeling of pain by the body that comes on slowly or later, in reaction to these causative factors! Compare this pain with that quick and sharp pain felt by the prick of a pin!
July 12, 2016
Milk induces the first desire!
Newly born baby cries first, feeling unpleasant, uncomfortable and unsafe outside in the external environment, being removed of its mother's womb comforts. But when it drinks first it's mother's milk, it feels good and satisfied with the taste of the milk and stops crying; it hopes now the world's environment to be pleasant, comfortable and safe. It moves its arms and legs in ecstasy and goes to sleep in peace. This is the point where the first desire is born in the baby - to have more of the milk! So, mothers-to-be, don't forgo or postpone breast feeding milk to the new born! The very future of the baby rests on it, the 'amirtham', that comforts it to give it everlasting life and happiness!
Blog of the Day - Second praising of Kindling Thoughts by Blogging Fusion!
The blog directory, Blogging Fusion, has praised this blog, Kindling Thoughts, with its 'Blog of the day' award on 7.07.2016! That too for the second time and within a year! Its previous 'Blog of the day' appreciation award was given on 12.08.2015. I thank Blogging Fusion blog directory & its staff for such a recognition and appreciation. Read its present recognition letter here:
Your blog was today's Blog of the Day at Blogging Fusion Blog Directory.
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The Blogging Fusion Staff
Your blog was today's Blog of the Day at Blogging Fusion Blog Directory.
Your original blog listing can be seen at the following URL https://www.bloggingfusion.
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Your blog will be listed in the Blog of the day archive at the following urlhttps://www.bloggingfusion.
Congratulations once again, and keep on blogging.'
The Blogging Fusion Staff
June 28, 2016
Communication's need!
Communication has been made essential today for each individual of this world. I wonder how the people of yesteryear lived life pleasantly without these today's communication instruments! Now these instruments are also used for so many purposes apart from communicating; communication has been pushed to one corner. We must use the present day communication facilities to its most but properly, and with norms and etiquette in using them. Communication through the most now accessible instrument is the mobile/cellular phone. What are all could be done with it - the purposes for which it was discovered and produced?
- Services done for others
- Selling products
- Buying products
- Information giving
- Information getting
- Advertising
- Instructing others
- Guiding others
- And others, if any, that may come in future!
Let us also live a pleasant and satisfied life, as our ancestors did without these facilities, - by restricting our communication aids usage - as communication to such a too much level is not needed for a simple living style!
June 23, 2016
Knowledge hinders bold endeavours!
In these days of busy world, people think too much,fear unduly and hesitate before doing anything or undertaking anything. All these tendencies are brought in them by increased infusion of knowledge of all the news around the world - by the press and the other social media, both for free and at a meagre cost! Community organisations should be set up that encourage people with their work force, which removes easily all those tendencies in them and makes them bold enough to act!
June 21, 2016
Searching a pin in ocean!
As all online Internet procedures are new, we go on knowing new ways and remembering those places to dig (click or touch) like that in a treasure hunt! The usual treasure hunt is done only once and it ends on finding out the objects buried/concealed. But what is the case with the treasure hunts inside the Search engines of World Wide Web, do you know? If there are two objects in front of you, you select the best one; but if there are thousands and thousands of treasure hunts, I mean the search results, how can you select one of them and find out the object (the words and their descriptions) in it? And that too when the first top results do not contain the descriptions you expected? You will be in a great fix and will lose yourself in the ocean of Search engine, isn't it? Then, others nearby you shall have to search and recover you, the drowned one, from this ocean! Moreover, apart from losing yourself in it, you lose or kill also the most of your active leisure time. So, reject, refuse and return from the Search engine, if you don't find the expected descriptions from its top first or the second result. Next go to the library. You shall be surprised there that you could find out the specific descriptions you expected from the books - instantly!
Search engine,
Treasure hunt,
June 17, 2016
Growing and moving is the aim of life!
In any living creature, including humans, nothing goes into the body except air (oxygen) and food; likewise, nothing goes out of the body except air and food (products and excretions). Each creature's body after its birth does only two changes due to these two processes of taking in and letting out - growing and/or maintaining in its size and moving on. But the living creature has to have only two things in its mind for these to happen - one is to get attracted towards its food and the other one is to have the desire to move towards it to taste it. Thus, moving for food, and taking food for growth and for movements are the ultimate basic purposes of any creation. So, to be a living creature we have to be always eating, growing and moving. If we slow or stop these three, it means that we are going to be named as a diseased, aged or a dead person ultimately, by others. So, explore the environment, have the desire, eat properly and move out to show others you as a living person!
June 15, 2016
When you part to meet, what are to say!
'Take care; we shall take care too to meet you and all again - as this caring only makes our next meeting, as this one, possible next. Though this meeting ends now and we move away, we carry the memories of this meeting with you and all. Let us add to these memories the experience of our next meeting - by taking care in the meantime, by which we can meet you next with fresh and exciting mind, as we had all in this meeting. Bye.'
Mind parts and part of it, the God!
When a person's sleep is disturbed in its midst, the conscious part of his mind awakes first; it is a primitive and easily believing part of the mind that has no reasoning power. Next the intelligent understanding part of the mind wakes up and finds the conscious mind's naiveness. But there is also another part of mind that is always awake even during the person's sleep! But it has to be activated from its temporary dormant state that is present during the person's sleep. It gets activated only after the conscious mind wakes up. It is the analytical mind. This analytical part itself has three parts - a feeling part, a thinking part and a motor part (that makes the person move). That feeling part of the analytical mind is the 'Soul' mind and the other two parts of it make 'I' mind of the person!
Actually, this analytical mind is not a single one restricted to that person! Probably it is a longer ringlike one that either connects only all the human beings or all the living beings of this Universe! But by birth of the person, a segment of this ring-mind becomes allotted for him with boundaries of it within the ring itself. After this, he feels or thinks himself and his mind as a separate entity! When this person dies, this entity's boundaries disappear with him, and the segment of the ring merges with the main analytical mind ring. But when these boundaries of the entity are slow to disappear even after the death of the person, his 'Soul' mind lingers in this world [as also the 'I' mind (the self mind) for a shorter period lingers] - till those boundaries disappear! Is this main analytical mind ring, the GOD? Find or feel about Him [through Yoga that breaks the entity boundaries and identity of you in the main analytical ring :) ] and inform me if you found or felt Him!
Now coming to our mind parts' activities during the sleep: what is the analytical mind of the person doing when he is asleep - that is, it is in its dormant state before being activated when he wakes up? Does the boundaries of it in the main analytical ring disappear temporarily during the sleep or the person's 'Soul' mind (feeling part of the analytical mind) wanders somewhere in this world or the Universe during the sleep as in the film, Avtar? Who can experience this and inform us about it? If you have experienced this somewhere sometime, share here!
Actually, this analytical mind is not a single one restricted to that person! Probably it is a longer ringlike one that either connects only all the human beings or all the living beings of this Universe! But by birth of the person, a segment of this ring-mind becomes allotted for him with boundaries of it within the ring itself. After this, he feels or thinks himself and his mind as a separate entity! When this person dies, this entity's boundaries disappear with him, and the segment of the ring merges with the main analytical mind ring. But when these boundaries of the entity are slow to disappear even after the death of the person, his 'Soul' mind lingers in this world [as also the 'I' mind (the self mind) for a shorter period lingers] - till those boundaries disappear! Is this main analytical mind ring, the GOD? Find or feel about Him [through Yoga that breaks the entity boundaries and identity of you in the main analytical ring :) ] and inform me if you found or felt Him!
Now coming to our mind parts' activities during the sleep: what is the analytical mind of the person doing when he is asleep - that is, it is in its dormant state before being activated when he wakes up? Does the boundaries of it in the main analytical ring disappear temporarily during the sleep or the person's 'Soul' mind (feeling part of the analytical mind) wanders somewhere in this world or the Universe during the sleep as in the film, Avtar? Who can experience this and inform us about it? If you have experienced this somewhere sometime, share here!
June 11, 2016
Work and enjoy benefits at present!
If you work for getting the immediate benefits and happiness, it is more meaningful and wiser. But if you toil now for those benefits in the remote future, it is meaningless and foolish. Enjoy the benefits and be happy at the present day using the hard earned money. Plan for the future benefits and happiness that fit to your present capacity to earn in the long run. Don't fall prey to other's 'carrot & stick' method of advising on your future and then actually achieving their wishes through your hard work. So, plan for your future aptly without affecting your present day enjoyment.
June 10, 2016
Don't go on repeating for perfection's sake!
In your activities, you must have done the work to your satisfaction at the first time itself. Otherwise, not being satisfied, you may go on to do it more perfectly. It will be all right then if that work has become a more perfect one after this second attempt. But if you go on to that work again to do it more and more perfectly, it is wrong, a waste of time and energy. You could have done many more works in that time of undue perfection work - that too without getting tired much, feeling satisfied and happy of doing more works! So, don't go on repeating on the work for the sake its perfection.
June 8, 2016
Desire moderately and be happy!
Nobody can live like Buddha, as he had given up all the desires totally to be happy. But we can be also happy if we desire moderately and be content with that happiness resulting out of it. Only the desire to have more and more of happiness - that craziness should be given up to retain our happy state then forever!
Choose advices to be the happiest!
Advices may be given intentionally - to produce either a good and productive result or a bad and destructive result with you. So, choose only good advice from a trustworthy person, whenever it is offered by a person or many persons. Such good advices are born out of the entire lifetime experiences of those trustworthy persons. If they are followed, they shall bring in you the happiness those persons had then, added to your own happiness! Now you become the happiest one! Similarly, warning advices from such persons shall also prevent you from treading on to a wrong path in your life. Their advices are like software of computers. Books with such advices are also storehouses of such software of advices; their pages contain the software that steer and lead you to happiness!
June 6, 2016
Better to adjust with unavoidable ones!
If something is different and pleasing to our ears in our routine life, we allow it to happen more and more and often. Example: music, bird's call etc.. But if it is not pleasing to our ears, we can simply shut our ears with our hands instantly e.g. a noise. But there are, as you know, other unpleasant things in our daily routine life that are unavoidable and cannot be shut off like shutting our ears. We have to allow them, adjust to them and adapt to them - to be harmonious with them!
June 5, 2016
Feeling more than usual!
You feel the warm water flowing on your hand from the shower. You take the hand out of it. Next, you extend it to a tepid or lukewarm (mildly warm) water flow of the shower. Now you will feel it much warmer or hot! After sometime, this hotness will turn to be felt as tepid as such! This effect is due to the presence of memory of warmth in the skin cells of the hand. And the addition of tepid water-feeling makes it seems to have become hotter though it is not actually hot. So, the memory of the past with the now added current feeling produces a greater feeling state! So, to get or feel more and much in your state of mind, first recollect your past experience before delving in the current experience of either a sensation or an activity!
June 4, 2016
Quit or accept to get the next benefits!
If you find a job (or a person) difficult to be with, either one must go apart immediately or accept, approve, adapt and adjust with it (or the person) throughout the life. This will avoid or end the troubling in both mind and body throughout his/her life!
June 3, 2016
Postpone to have a congenial life!
Selectively postpone your activities to a later time; but do those activities in the next possible time, as they may have then become important to do. This applies even to your personal activities too. Such a measure will safeguard you and make you congenial to the people you live with and the environment you live in!
June 2, 2016
Find the needs to become God!
When any one of you find the sufferings or the urgent needs of others, and relieves or fulfils them to their satisfaction, that 'any one' of you becomes then the Saviour or the God to them!
June 1, 2016
Tips to win confidence!
Orient yourself towards others, assess what they expect, understand their needs and then act wisely to satisfy them. This will win confidence of others in you!
May 28, 2016
Don't lose your life's right!
It is (a) right for everyone to live an ordinary life like an ordinary man, whatever high position one held or holds now. He/she need not lose such life for the sake of popularity or position in the society.
Forget and adapt yourself!
Participate, involve, merge with the group and forget yourself in the group activities. This is one way to forget for now the pains and sorrows of life, and adapt yourself to them in the long run.
January 29, 2016
Getting satisfaction at work!
First avoid doing any work under compulsion. There should be no too much exertion in any work. Do the work that you desire to do. Don't go on continuing at a stretch to do a work for its completion's sake, crossing your capacity. Do the work calmly without being anxious on anything. Don't have any other important work next to the present work. If you have one, stop the present one and switch over to that important one; after completing this one, you can go back to the prior work. Take regular breaks within a work period to get a relaxed and refreshed mind and body for continuing the work.
January 26, 2016
Postpone to live congenially!
Selectively postpone your activity to a later time; but do that activity in the next possible time - particularly, when it has become an important one to do then. This applies even to your personal activities too. Such a measure will safeguard you and make you congenial with the people you are living with!
January 24, 2016
Revise your advice before it is done!
You advise others to do certain things or not to do certain things, thinking that you are doing it only for their welfare. But in this concerned act of yours, you often forget that it can affect their independent personal wishes, and that they may act on your advice only reluctantly and hesitantly. So, before advising, think and consider about the result of such advices, and moderate it down optimally.
January 22, 2016
Live peacefully in the native place!
In smaller towns, villages and hamlets, people are content with their status in their places by understanding their limits, limitations, capacity and even their lower education. The honour they receive from their level and position in their society is sufficient and acceptable for them. They are also satisfied with their wages, profits or salary that they get for their work, materials or their services. They do not compare their income with that of the people living in cities or towns. That is why they live an easier and peaceful life. But only when they cross their limits by comparing, they too become crazy for a city life, a higher education and a higher income. When they move over to the cities then, they get only a few of those they desired and expected there, in exchange for their invaluable peace that they got in their native place. So, live peacefully in your native place! If already moved to city or town, return back to your native place and live peacefully!
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